Travel Magazine

How Did I Miss It???

By Annie
It was my Blogiversary!
How did I miss it???I have been blogging since 14th January 2007.

WOW!!!!Where has that time gone? 

How did I miss it???
 I remember thinking...
"Why would anyone want to blog?"

WHAT am I going to write about ?

My travels , My postcards , Anything that takes my fancy... 
How did I miss it???
How did I miss it???

Who is going to look or read it ?It is YOU!!
All my friends around the WORLD!!!
These flowers are for you , 
because you spurred me on ,, and kept me going , when I thought .. NO more ..!!
And a HUGE thank you for all my postcards ,, without  you a lot of my  posts would not exist.  
How did I miss it???

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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