
How CBD Can Help With Anxiety?

Posted on the 26 November 2021 by Fit And Safety Health Blog @fitandsafety

CBD Can Treat Anxiety Disorders

Have you noticed one thing, that CBD has generated quite a buzz in recent years? No, we are talking about how it is derived from the marijuana plant and how it can help you get high. But, we are talking about its medical benefits. Due to that, CBD has managed to secure its place on the shelves of many healthcare stores.

You can get CBD cigarettes, oil, and supplements to mix with your food and drinks. On top of this vast array of options to consume CBD, if it can actually mitigate our health problems, won’t that be a great advantage? So, let’s check out if CBD can actually help with anxiety disorders or not.

But, before that, let’s find out what CBD is.

What Is CBD?

CBD (Cannabidiol) is one of the many components found in the cannabis plant. CBD consumes almost 25%-30% of the Cannabis plant, while the other component, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), consumes 45% of the plant. The THC is generally responsible for getting high, while CBD treats a laundry list of medical problems.

In marijuana plants, the THC tends to be present in a higher quantity, so extracting the CBD from those plants becomes a rigorous job. But, the hemp plants have a higher amount of CBD with a lower amount of THC. So, extracting CBD from the hemp plants is relatively more straightforward.

According to previous studies, CBD can treat many medical issues such as chronic pain, depression, anxiety, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and some cancer-induced symptoms. But, the FDA has so far approved one CBD medication named Epidiolex that is used to treat epilepsy.

Can CBD Treat Anxiety Disorders?

Research has shown that CBD affects the serotonin level in your brain. Now, the serotonin hormone impacts your mood, behavior, digestion, and sleeping pattern, so when the CBD increases its level, it helps with anxiety. CBD works quite similarly to antidepressants and anti-anxiety medicines, but you can also take it with the antidepressants for better results.

According to NIDA, CBD does help in reducing some generalized anxiety disorders. Although no scientific experiment has been done on humans, several animal studies show that CBD helps them deal with stress. Moreover, even CBD can reduce the behavioral signs of anxiety-like faster heartbeat, sweats, shivering arms, etc.

CBD works well for other forms of anxiety-like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder). It can even reduce the stress-induced insomnia problem in many people. When people have PTSD, they often have recurring nightmares and negative memories that make them anxious. A regular intake of CBD pills can make them less anxious. So, many cognitive-behavioral therapists recommend CBD supplements as an effective medication to treat anxiety disorders.

What Is The Scientific Evidence In Favour Of CBD Reducing Anxiety?

The rising popularity of this Cannabis component has made CBD the talk of the medical town. So, let’s look at some research evidence to see how CBD can reduce anxiety.

  • In 2011, 24 patients with social anxiety disorders were investigated. When they were given CBD, it reduced their stress level and discomfort in public speaking.
  • In 2011, another experiment was conducted with 10 patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Again, when they were given CBD, their anxiety symptoms reduced potentially.
  • In 2015, 49 studies were conducted to prove that CBD works effectively towards reducing anxiety symptoms. Not only anxiety, but it could also mitigate PTSD, OCD, SAD, and panic disorders.
  • In 2019, an experiment was conducted on 11 patients with PTSD. After they were given CBD, 91% of them encountered reduced anxiety symptoms.
  • In 2019, another experiment was conducted on 103 adult patients who were suffering from anxiety-induced insomnia. Again, after intaking CBD for one month, 80% of people reported more minor anxiety symptoms, and 70% reported improved sleeping patterns.
  • While so many studies speak in favor of CBD, another 2017 study proved quite the opposite. It showed that many people who took CBD had experienced a higher rate of paranoia and anxiety.

Since none of these scientific experiments shed light on the long-term usage of CBD and its implications on anxiety, so it’s better to take advice from your doctor before you think of intaking them.

What Should Be The Correct Dosage For CBD Intake?

Studies have shown that intaking CBD from 300 mg to 600 mg can reduce anxiety disorders in people. But, the FDA has not yet approved any of the CBD capsules, pills, supplements, drops, teas, candies, or vapors. So, we don’t yet know how safe they are.

But, a 2018 study showed that many men consumed 300 mg of CBD 90 minutes before they had to speak in a public event. Intaking the CBD reduced their stress level potentially, and it also improved their anxiety symptoms.

The Placebo Group conducted a similar study to decide the accurate dosage for CBD to treat anxiety. There were 57 subjects involved in the study. Some took 150 mg of CBD, and they witnessed fewer anxiety symptoms, while others took 600 mg of CBD and experienced similar symptoms.

What Are The Main Side Effects Of CBD?

When people intake CBD for anxiety disorders, there are many side effects that one can encounter. Even the only FDA-approved medicine ‘Epidiolex’ has also proved to cause mild liver damage in some clinical trials. CBD can also interact with Warfarin and can prevent blood clots. But, some of the common side effects of CBD are;

  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Reduced appetite
  • Nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Unintended weight loss

Wrapping It Up

CBD can treat anxiety disorders in many people. Apart from that, it can also treat a lot of other medical issues. But, if you want to intake CBD, you must consult the dosage with your doctor because it is not yet clear to what extent CBD interacts with other medications.

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