Current Magazine

How Cars Affect the Environment

Posted on the 25 June 2018 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Are cars responsible for the destruction of the environment? With an increase in deadly natural disasters, toxic gas emissions, and massive disruption of wildlife, it sure seems like they might be.

The average American spends approximately 17,600 minutes driving each year. That’s like watching every episode of Shameless about five times. With that kind of time commitment, no wonder our cars are so important to us.

Sometimes it seems as if we wouldn’t be able to survive without them. The Earth, however, does not share our same sentiments. Cars and other motor vehicles have a significant effect on the environment, and they are bringing about drastic changes that people and other wildlife may not be prepared for.

The image shown visualizes some of the threats cars pose to the environment. At the rate we’re at now, there might be another mass extinction happening in the near future. This would be the first one caused by humans.


How Cars Effect the Environment

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