Lifestyle Magazine

How Can You Take Care Of Your Family Even From A Distance?

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

We have often heard the saying - 'Life is uncertain'. The lion king song that talks about the unpredictability of the plans we make in life have never seemed to be more relevant than during the pandemic. Suddenly without an alarm, our life had been brought to a standstill.

While many were forced to stay indoors and spend time with family, many such individuals were working outstation and were stuck alone far from their family. Undoubtedly, the pandemic was one of the most difficult time that the world has witnessed.

Apart from helplessness, fear is the strongest emotion that enveloped the entire Globe, we all lived in fear of being touched by the virus. The news channels left no stone unturned to fire the fear and create more agony. In such a situation taking care of our family and friends became the need of the hour.

This challenger is even greater for those who are still far away from their family, due to the virus. Thus, here are a few ideas that can bridge the gap and help you to take care of your family, even while being long-distance.

Keep them informed

Thanks to digitization , you can now connect with your family on a video call. Fix a family time when you meet them on a video call every day. Tell them about the virus and how one can easily stay fine by just following the safety guidelines. Assure them that you are close to them even though physically apart.

Play games with your kids and share a joke, Remember, no matter how dangerous the virus maybe, a smiling body and mind can defeat it easily.

Send messages to your closest acquaintances

The pandemic has taught us the importance of having people around us. The fact that no man can live as an island has been proven in our lives, thus, with so much time in hand, take the effort of messaging your friends and relatives, enquiring about their safety. This gesture will make you feel less lonely and more connected.

Finally, support your family

No matter where you are, you can still financially support your family. If your family is residing in the same country, then there is no problem, but if your country is in a foreign land then money transfer changes might be a concern.

However, there are few countries where you can transfer money without any charges, for instance, you can easily send money to the UK, via online transfers or through TransferWise. Supporting your family financially will at least ease away their financial pressure, especially if you have old parents.

Arrange for online orders

While you are away, you must ensure that your family does not have to step out even for the essentials. Research and find the best online vendors who can deliver groceries to your doorstep. Remember, the only way to stay secure is to stay indoors.

Peruse your Passion or simply relax

This one is for you. We have all complained in life about lack of time. We had sacrificed all our hobbies and passions to a nine to five job .

Thanks to the pandemic, now we have all the time we needed, so do not waste this opportunity, pursue your old passion, read up the books you always wanted to read, learn a skill or just relax. This time is an ideal opportunity to unwind and rewind.

The Bottom Line

These small acts can all add up to making your family feel connected with you, even though you might be miles apart. Times have been difficult for all, so connect with your friends, neighbours and family members and just be there for them, that's the least you can do.

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