By all truths, the printer ink cartridges are much expensive. So, you have to be sure to each tank completely down to the drop. At many times, a good quantity of ink inside the toner cartridges is wasted without being noticed.
The reasons for the ink tan to run out quicker are numerous, compared to expectations from the clogged nozzles along with improper storage of the cartridges.
In this blog, we have pointed out five vital tips for preventing the printer inks bought online from drying out, and as a result, lower the printing expenses.
Tip 1 - Using the Printer Only Once a Week
The main guilty of ink wastage is the clogged nozzles. The ideal way for preventing wastage is making use of the printers only once a week. As a result, everything will be flowing and open, and ink build-up will be reduced. Thus, for ink cartridge maintenance, something should be printed every now and then.
Tip 2 - Properly Storing the Ink Cartridges
Storing a few extra ink cartridges is always a smart idea when printing is a major part of your business. At any time, you might be out of ink, when the need for the new tank is inevitable. So, the ones in store will help to resume printing sooner. But it will be very difficult when the ink cartridges are stored incorrectly. To save the inks from wastage, keep these tips in mind -
The Ink Cartridge Storing Technique
Make sure to store the ink cartridges in the upright position or else the ink will move towards one side. So, avoid keeping them either upside down or sideways. Likewise, you can avoid potential ink problems and save on quality right when the new cartridge is installed in your printer.
The Place For Ink Cartridge Storage
To get the best desired results, you have to store the ink cartridges in dark, safe, and dry places. It could be inside a box or a shelf. They must be stored properly at room temperatures. In case, they are subjected to extreme heat or cold, the print quality will be poor. At worst, the ink cartridge is likely to become totally useless.
Essentially, ink means it is a liquid mixture. Due to heat, it will evaporate and leak out, and in the cold, it will form a lot of clots.
Tip 3 - Rightly Configuring the Room Temperature
Room temperature must be adjusted while printing along with the storage options. Maintaining the normal room temperature is essential inside the rooms for preventing the cartridges from drying out. The solution to this matter is 68 degrees - which helps in ink cartridge preservation while allowing others a pleasant interior living and working environment.
Tip 4 - Keeping the Ink Cartridges Always Sealed
If the cartridge is left open, then by natural phenomenon the ink will be drying out. Thus, the smart decision to take up is opening the seal only when it is needed. But it could be there is an ink cartridge without a seal, then a few precautionary measures are must-to-be taken up for maintaining its condition.
i. The cartridge nozzle's side should be put up inside the sealed plastic tub. Its proactive capping or clip must be used before it is placed.
ii. A clean damp cloth or paper towel must be put inside the tub rather than beside the ink cartridge.
iii. The cartridge must be stored in a cool and dark place. The paper towel or the damp cloth must be checked from time to time to ensure it is still wet.
Tip 5 - Moistening the Ink Cartridges
The printer ink can be prevented from drying out by frequently moistening the cartridges. The applicability of this measure is there will be no need to do weekly test prints and so save on ink. These simple steps as discussed here for moistening the ink cartridges will prevent ink from clogging as well as from drying out.
I. Taking the ink out from the printer by wearing disposable gloves while carrying out the process.
II. Cleaning the top surface of the cartridge carefully from the ink remains, using a damp, clean cloth or any power towel for clogging prevention.
III. Wiping off the excess moisture with a lint-free cloth before it is placed back on the printer.
Every printer user has undergone, and still undergoes issues related to ink drying up. Dried-up ink is similar to wasted ink as none can be reused. But just as every problem has its own solution, similarly this issue can be solved. The discussion is based on steps serving as a solution to saving ink from drying out.