Animals & Wildlife Magazine

How Can You Deal with These Arizona Woodpeckers?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

How can you deal with these Arizona woodpeckers?

Is there anything more annoying than a woodpecker who decided its time to bang on your house while your trying to sleep? I have a chimney just outside my upstairs bedroom door and it actually has a metal cap on the top and this woodpecker really knew how to wake me up. I was lucky because it was an easy fix – I installed 2 Daddi Long leg spiders

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on my chimney and it stopped the woodpecker from getting the chimney cap. There are other products available but you’re going to love this – the woodpecker protective coating spray doesn’t work on our Arizona woodpecker. These repellents do generally work on the other 23 varities of woodpeckers in the U.S.

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