
How Can You Buy Cheap Used Cars Under $500?

Posted on the 14 April 2022 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

Buying cheap used cars is not a day’s job as it takes hours of extensive research and survey to make the most of the selection phase. Several platforms offer to buy cheap cars under 500 hence, you have to be wary of sites that would display fancy car pictures to bait or scam customers. There are several ways to buy used cars from visiting a local dealership in your vicinity, purchasing it from a family member or acquaintance, or even purchasing it online. The latter option is highly advised as most of the sites offer comprehensive listings and reports about the car of your choice.

Tips for buying a cheap used car under $500 

You don’t need to close any deal in a rush. If you’re being pressured into a deal, chances are you’re not getting the best part of that deal. Before investing in a cheap used car under $500, you should follow these useful tips:

1. Research

Gathering important information about the entire process is the first step to getting started. Carrying out extensive research on the used car site you want to use, the car model, type, and make simplifies the entire process. Since used cars often come with a fair deal of danger and uncertainty, you should ensure that you are purchasing your automobile from a platform that complies with industry standards and specifications. 

Ensure that you have access to information concerning the particular automobile you are selecting. Online used automobile sites like Epicvin prevent instances of palming off faulty goods on their esteemed customers by providing necessary information. With this site, you can access the status of the car upon entry of the VIN( vehicle identification number). This number grants our customers access to vital information such as gas mileage, mechanical and electrical status, criminal history, and crash history.

2. Budgeting

At this phase, you would have to define the word cheap. Are you searching for a fair price? Are you looking for the lowest option( in terms of price)? Defining this gives you clarity of purpose. For context, you should search for sites that offer products with price ranges that fit into your financial situation.

 However, do not under the guise of seeking cheap automobile options purchase cars with ridiculously low amounts. Some of these cars have a vast array of technical and mechanical faults hence, the sellers are looking for who to take the burden off their neck. While a car can be an asset, it can also turn out to be a liability, if you make the wrong choice. It is advisable if you also have a price range as it ensures flexibility. 

Do not spend all your savings on purchasing a car without making provision for additional and incidental costs. You should know that after purchasing a car, you would need to spare some bucks to cover registration, insurance, maintenance, and reconfiguration if need be. 

3. Demand for a comprehensive vehicle report

Do not be carried away by fancy pictures and awesome lighting. Ensure you ask for a comprehensive report of the vehicle. When you are armed with this information, it becomes easier for you to figure out your next line of action. Do not subject anything to guessing. Making wild assertions regarding the overall health of your preferred automobile may cost you in a variety of ways.

 Most sites give customers the privilege to access vital information. However, you should note this comes at a fee. Some may be ridiculously expensive but with a site like Epicvin, you are assured of a fair price range. Their prices usually fall between $39 to $84 which is considered fair when compared to those offered by other sites. 

4. Know the type of car you want

Making this decision doesn’t come easy as you have to consider a variety of factors. For ease, you can take into consideration the size of your family, your occupational demands, the commute in your locality, and your financial status. These factors would shape your eventual choice and prevent you from going back and forth. 

How to locate cheap good cars. 

Now, you already know what to do before closing your car deal. When you’re ready to go, you can find cheap but efficient cars under $500 on:


This car site offers very robust listings so customers are exposed to a vast array of automobiles under $500. Epicvin is one safe site to purchase automobiles as they have connections with industry verified databases that make automobile information retrieval seamless. The price offerings here are also reasonable and considered fair. On this site, you can access virtually any information that pertains to the car of your choice. In a bid to foster awareness in the automotive sector, this site also hosts an informative blog that samples car reviews, price offerings, and how-to guides.

On this site, you can get cars below $500 and you can get ones above this range. Its ability to be easily tweaked to its customer financial needs makes it a top pick for car enthusiasts. 

Auto trader

This site has been in existence for a long period and has continued to serve the needs of its customers. In a bid to reduce scamming and baiting, this site ensures that every seller pays a sum of money to put up their cars for sale. Auto trader allows its users to filter their options by enabling the use of various tags to streamline search results. Search tags like your location, the make, model, year, and type of the car can be used to make the search process stress-free.


 Hemmings is your one sure stop for everything vintage and classic. They specialize in selling old cars from the 1930s to the 1990s. This site offers affordable cars with unique features. It also hosts a comprehensive classic car blog sampling price reviews and how-to guides. You can also get notifications about local auctions and car clubs in your vicinity. 

Auto tempest

Auto tempest satisfies the diverse needs of its clients by pulling from a variety of online used car sites. This makes the site one of the richest in terms of the information and listings displayed on it. Using resources from online sites auto traders, Craig list, and cars direct, this site offers users the best comparison experience. Users can have an insight into the general market price. You can also restrict your search results to a particular site especially you know the site has the particular car are looking for. This site also offers comprehensive car reviews, buying guides, negotiation tips, and newsletters.  

Wrapping up!

Buying a used car has a lot of benefits but it also possesses some inherent risks and uncertainties which can only be surmounted by carrying out your fair share of research, being patient, meticulous, and open-minded.

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