If you’re looking to improve your home’s ability to deal with flooding and waterlogging, then a soakaway could be the perfect choice for you. Soakaways can help to eliminate a wide range of water-related problems in your garden, including some issues relating to blocked drains. Giving your property a high-performing water removal solution to prevent flooding can be essential when it comes to preventing long-term damage.
There’s a variety of treatments available for your home to help control and remove unwanted water, particularly as the result of heavy rainfall or blocked drains. Soakaways offer a low environmental impact to the site without compromising in terms of service.
What is a Soakaway?
Essentially, a garden soakaway is a hole that is dug into the ground. This hole is then filled with coarse stone and rubble, rather than soil. Thanks to this garden feature, you can allow surface water to seep back into the earth much more effectively than it can through soil. This is due to the gaps in the stone being much larger than the pores in soil, especially if it has become compacted or heavy over years of use. That means the water can easily flow away from your garden and move deeper into the earth.
Soakaways are an important part of a comprehensive drainage system. In fact, there is usually a land drainage pipe leading directly into the soakaway to facilitate to movement of water across your property. Unfortunately, that means there is still the risk of blocked drains compromising the reliable service of this garden feature.
These garden features rely on natural materials. There is also no need for any kind of chemical processing or treatment of the water – it is simply collected and allowed to move deeper through the earth.
Can a Soakaway Really Improve my Garden Space?
If your home regularly suffers from standing or still water, or if the grass/soil often becomes waterlogged, then a soakaway could be the perfect choice for you. If this water is left where it is, it could lead to a range of potential water damages to your entire property.
This can be particularly damaging if the water reaches the foundation or other underground features of your home. Over time, they can become warped or shift in place, leading to extensive property damage.
Soakaways are also a great way to reduce stress on other drainage systems. They can help to reduce the impact that blocked drains can have on your home and garden.
Do I have the Right Soil for Soakaways?
The composition of your soil can influence the impact of your soakaway. For example, your garden soil needs to be granular to provide great drainage. Unfortunately, if your garden is situated on clay or heavy soil, then these choices are ineffective. After all, the water will have nowhere to go, and you’ll end up with an extremely small swimming pool rather than a drainage solution.
How Big Does the Soakaway Need to Be?
To provide any real benefits, your soakaway needs to be at least one cubic meter. It should also be below the feeder pipe from elsewhere on the property. However, if your property is suffering from a great deal of waterlogging or standing water, then you may need to make the soakaway much larger.
However, it doesn’t matter how large your soakaway is if you don’t have the right pipes sending water to it. Ideally, these drainage pipes need to be at least 75mm in diameter, but larger pipes are recommended. If these pipes are too small, it is easy for them to become another example of blocked drains, which could lead to even worse flooding of your property.