![How can anyone LOVE this modern world we've made? How can anyone LOVE this modern world we've made?](https://m5.paperblog.com/i/71/714551/how-can-anyone-love-this-modern-world-weve-ma-L-o1eexm.jpeg)
i) an Economic structure that PENALISES success with interest rates and rising house prices, extra taxation and license fees?
ii) an Economic structure that ENCOURAGES the selling of arms meant to protect our country and our people to foreign despotic maniacs intent on murder rape pillage and political assassination?
iii) an Economic structure that PROMOTES mindless 'belief' systems like Catholicism, Islam, Sihkism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism! so that people will look elsewhere for their solace and comfort?
Is ECONOMY all about wiping the humanity from the face of INDUSTRY?
Is that the only way to run this world we've made? I literally HATE this place now. I 'prayed' last night that (were there a God/extra-terrestrial/trans-dimensional personality/entity) he/she/it would lift me out of my bed and make me disappear from this shithole we call Modern Living. I can no longer bear to hear its cynical message of 'economic growth' i.e. slavery to arbitrary financial forces, beamed into our homes nightly by the BBC or Channel 4 or NameOtherNewsNetwork. I'm kinda fundamentally disturbed that NO ONE seems to see the dichotomy of a hierarchic or structured City Society bent on 'domination of its business foes'. That's all this world is, Conquest. I mean, why doesn't anyone else see that EVERYTHING THE MODERN WORLD IS leads us down the path of war, at one time or another? It's the only solution to a parasitic infection that's grown too large:
I personally wonder how many of our SICK, DEMENTED world's Intelligence Agencies or Private Mercenary Companies are actively recruiting from the pool of Naturally MK-Ultra'd African children who've been brought up as SOLDIERS in civil wars since they were strong enough to carry a Kalashnikov. I mean, that's one ripe resource for Corporate Assassinations around the world, right? There would be NO BETTER zombie to send against the living who dare to oppose Corporate Rule of Law, eh? Why doesn't this make you PUKE into your breakfast bowl, mankind? Why do you ignore the horror or Africa and other manipulated civiil war countries/people?
Is it because you're immune (so far) from the ravaging process of Corporate Interest? What would happen if we en masse didn't agree with the way our Corporate World works. What if we said just said NO to these manipulative war-mongering parliamentarians! What if we voted to stop raping and murdering and pillaging in the name of (the wrongly vaunted) Economy?
What if we rooted it out, exposed the game players and just stopped funding the CORPORATE WAR MACHINE all together? Wouldn't that be a better world for all?