Lifestyle Magazine

How Being a SAHM Helped Me Discover My Dream Career.

By Thesamanthashow


I had never planned on being a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). I mean, does anyone really go to college, work their ass off, get a degree, just to not use it? Maybe. But not me. I wanted to work in PR in the sports field, live in a big city, and run the streets like Carrie Bradshaw. But God had a different plan for me and I took a different path.

I didn’t really know what to do when I had my son. I hadn’t gotten a job in New York because my husband was deployed and I went home to Ohio to be with family. When I went back to New York, I didn’t even know where to start looking or know what I wanted to do. I had no passion. And I didn’t want to pay thousands of dollars a month for childcare doing something that I didn’t absolutely love and want to be doing. Plus, the thought of leaving my son made me sick to my stomach. I know, people do it everyday but it had been a really long year with my husband gone and I just couldn’t take anymore separation/stress. I don’t even think my husband and I really discussed it; I just stayed home with him because well, someone had to and my husband already had a job.

I had started blogging because it was somewhere for me to write all of my feelings down. I was able to document our experience of a deployment and my husband could read it in real time. I only did it every so often and if we’re being honest, I cringe when I read my posts from the beginning. But I suppose it’s part of the process and journey to get me where I am today, right?

No one blogged for money back then. I mean, maybe some people did but it wasn’t as mainstream as it is now. People actually frowned when bloggers took sponsored post (yes, I know some people still do) but it seemed as though it happened overnight. All of a sudden, brands wanted to send me products to review and influencer networks began to pop up everywhere. Networks that allowed me to apply for campaigns by pitching creative ideas to showcase products, services, etc. And it was like all of a sudden it had clicked. I was doing exactly what I was supposed to be doing. I had accidentally discovered my dream career, all while being a stay-at-home-mom.


It’s only gone up from there. I’ve had opportunities that I never thought possible and created a true business and brand. I’m my own boss; I’m the bookkeeper, assistant photographer (I have a real one for when I need pictures of myself haha), social media manager, Editor-in-Chief, and the list goes on and on. But I’m also a mom; I’m a taxi driver, chef, tutor, maid, entertainer, and more. And although I struggle some days, I am SO thankful to be able to do what I do.

What’s my point in all of this? Sometimes you discover your passion when you least expect it. I remember writing a post about feeling lost and having no passion. I was unsure what I wanted to do and if I would ever find my “place.” And that’s when I realized that it had been under my nose the entire time. That my passion was making my own way. I consider myself a creative; my mind is constantly racing with my next big idea and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that. I love the chaos that comes with having a creative mind. And the fact that I was able to turn that into my job just blows my mind everyday.

Being a stay-at-home mom isn’t what it used to be. So many SAHMs are in direct sales, design, management, etc. Some work for large companies and some have paved their own way as a boss. I truly admire the drive and perseverance of so many other mamas out there who are hustlin’ to be the best they can be professionally and personally. To create their own path if there isn’t one in front of them.

So was being a SAHM in my plans? No. But I am eternally grateful that this was the path I was given. Because not only does it allow me to stay home with my babies, but it’s led me to the dream career I never even knew I wanted. Sometimes we don’t need to know what we want or go looking for it. It will just find it’s way to us.

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