Science Magazine

How Beer is Made in a Micro Brewery

Posted on the 26 October 2012 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Once upon a time, the big, multi-national beer corporations accounted for the lion’s share of brewery growth. Now, it’s about boutique brands and micro breweries paving their ways into the mainstream of the beer drinking world.

We thought it’d be cool to share a glimpse at some part of the process from the Kernel microbrewery in South London.

cleaning malt e1351098737767 How Beer is Made in a Micro Brewery

Cleaning out the malt and spent grain from the mash tun used in the brewing process.

brewing e1351098810870 How Beer is Made in a Micro Brewery

Pouring hops into the copper used in the brewing process.

How Beer is Made in a Micro Brewery

Monitoring the beer as it is piped into the fermentation tanks used in the brewing process.

How Beer is Made in a Micro Brewery

Stirring the malts in the mash tun used in the brewing process to create an India Pale Ale.

How Beer is Made in a Micro Brewery

Breaking up the hops.

How Beer is Made in a Micro Brewery

Taking a sample of a stout to be tested for readiness.

How Beer is Made in a Micro Brewery

List of beers at the Kernel micro-brewery in London.

Pics from Totallycoolpix

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