In the last few days, as some will know, I've been severely incapacitated by pulled back muscles. By "incapacitated" I mean so painful to walk, sit, lie, exist, that I literally had to stay on the sofa with heat and ice things, and hefty doses of whatever painkiller I could stomach. (Much better now, thanks.)
One thing it did teach me was that most of the housework we think is essential, can actually wait till we're ready to do it. Ladies (and gents) we're setting the bar way too high.
Here, let me show you:-
Don't bother putting kids' pajamas away. They'll be needed again that night (unless you do the "clean-PJs-every-day" thing, which is just creating work as far as I'm concerned.)
Ditto - the work table. What's the point of putting things in nice, neat piles when you're going to be rifling through it in about half an hour? And leave that homework out till the morning - just so you can do a last (panic) check before packing it into the school bag.
It's a fallacy that mail/post has to be opened every day, unless it looks like a birthday card with money in it that is. With t'Internet anyway, most of it will be bills. Just leave it till the pile gets so high it starts toppling over. (Then you can start another pile.)
And most importantly, don't bother putting the shopping away when you're just going to need it in a few