Politics Magazine
The House of Representatives passed the ridiculous GOP tax cut bill. The bill was passed on a 227 to 205 vote -- with all 227 yes votes coming from Republicans, while 13 Republicans joined all Democrats in voting against the bill.
The Republicans are still trying to claim that this is a bill that mainly benefits the middle class. That is an outrageous lie. About 80% of the cuts go to people that don't need them -- the rich and corporations. They are also claiming that the corporate cuts will boost the economy, create jobs and raise the wages of working men and women. That is also a lie. Corporate tax cuts in the past have not done any of those things, and there is no reason to believe this one will either.
The Republicans are hoping that passing this bill will make their party more popular, and help them in next year's elections. The problem is that the public is not buying their lies. Only 25% support the GOP plan, while 52% oppose it. Only 16% think the plan will reduce their taxes, while 33% believe it will increase their taxes. Only 36% believe the plan will boost the economy and create jobs, while 52% believe it will not. And only 24% believe the middle class is helped the most by the plan, while 61% say the plan helps the rich most of all.
Those are not good numbers. The public doesn't like the GOP's tax plan, and unless that plan is drastically changed, it will not help the Republicans -- not now or in the 2018 elections.
The charts above reflect the results of a new Quinnipiac University Poll -- done between November 7th and 13th of a random national sample of 1,577 voters, with a 3 point margin of error.