If you’ve recently booked a trip away, there’s a good chance you searched for the best value for money, or the cheapest deal there was on the market, when it came to finding some good accommodation. Maybe you got 2 nights in a hotel with breakfast thrown in in Paris, or you booked 4 people into a hostel, sleeping in bunk beds, with a shared TV room. Whatever it is you thought was best, you probably weighed the idea of sleeping in a hotel compared to sleeping in a hostel.
But does a hotel have more benefits than a hostel? Is it really worth it to have a night in a hotel when it takes up half your holiday budget? Either way, let’s really weigh up the pros and cons of a hotel vs a hostel.
How Much Luggage Are You Bringing?
If you’ve got suitcase after suitcase to your travel party’s name, then you might want to book yourself into a hotel. These are a lot more secure, considering the sheer amount of personal items you bought with you, and have a lot more space for you to spread these items out in. Hostels are more suited for people with carry ons, and those willing to lock up their items in a community locker room.
How Much Privacy Do You Need?
We think of hostels as these places where everyone sleeps in a single dormitory, but usually the rooms are split up, with four bunks each. You can go in and lock your door, and not come out again until you want to. You’re just going to be sleeping surrounded by the people you brought with you, and that’s never a bad thing.
Of course, options like that of The City Suites are going to be the best for your needs if your want your holiday to be for you and you alone, but often enough that doesn’t give you the whole package when travelling! Travelling is all about meeting people who are different to you, understanding their lives and how they differ to your own, and just having a great time with the locals. So a hotel or a hostel could work well for you here, just make sure you’re smiling at the people around you and saying hi when they sit next to you in the restaurant.
What’s Your Budget?
This is probably the most influential reason over your booking decision, but it’s quite simple. For those who need a low cost trip, a hostel is perfect, as they can have similar reviews and ratings to the more expensive hotels out there. But if you have the ability to splash out, feel free to try a luxury doorman building on your next trip away.
If you’re planning a holiday soon, make sure you’re being smart about your accommodation decision. Hostels quite often get a bad rap about their amenities, but there isn’t a lot a hotel offers that a hostel doesn’t! Save some money and have fun!