There aren’t many places that can manage to pull off just the right combination of minimalistic style and warmth. By its very nature, minimalism is typically cold and aloof, but somehow Hotel Red in Madison Wisconsin, has managed to do just that. When we stepped foot into our room, Lauren and I both felt like we were stepping right into the comfort our own home.

Madison, Wisconsin isn’t exactly know for its high style and panache but the owners of Hotel Red have done a fantastic job bringing just that to this small city. From the second Lauren and I laid our eyes upon the outside of the hotel we knew we were in for a treat. Hotel Red looked more like a condo building than a typical hotel.

The instant we stepped into the lobby we were hit with this warm and comfortable vibe that told us to slow down, relax, and enjoy our surroundings. The space felt more like a lounge or a living room than a hotel lobby. It was warm and inviting yet hip and cool.

The real treat however, came to us when we made it up to our room. We took one step in and felt like we were teleported back to the condo we once owned in Miami. The look and feel of the space was absolutely incredible.