Lifestyle Magazine

Hot Dogs and Birthday Cake

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

birthdayhotdogMy co-worker and I put 60 hotdogs in a crock pot at breakfast this morning for a lunch time picnic. There is nothing and I mean NOTHING grosser than the smell of raw hot dogs in the morning. I seriously had to hold it together and not gag so that my co-worker wouldn’t start gagging too. We made it though and at lunch we all had several hotdogs.

The day only gets better. Thing 2 turns 16 tomorrow. 16! How did that happen? Big Daddy made the cake last night (special family recipe) and I think we were hasty putting on the icing. The cake ended up looking like this:


Oh well. At least it tastes good. And it’s a good day to turn 16. Sorry Thing 2, no car yet. But tomorrow I will tell him his birth story again. Three hours of labor and no epidural… he loves to hear that story every year. We’ll finish the cake and he and his friends will head out to celebrate. Big Daddy and I will clean the kitchen and talk about how fast they are growing up. Pretty soon we will be empty nesters. (Is it wrong if we are looking forward to that?)

Hot Dogs and Birthday Cake
Hot Dogs and Birthday Cake

The Hot dog story and Thing 2’s birthday are not related except the fact that I had hot dogs and birthday cake in the same day. Anyhoo, enjoy your weekend and find the fun things in your day and relish them. They fly by. But here’s a little video I found on the webs and I laughed so hard I nearly threw up the hot dogs!

Hot Dogs and Birthday Cake

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