Well this subscription is certainly a first for me, yes it's chocolate but chocolate that gets drunk rather than eaten. I have not come across any other hot chocolate clubs before this one and yes it's certainly a good one.
Hot choc club delivers monthly and there are about six box choices ranging from small to extra large and price starting at £12.00.
The boxes will look a bit like this, which of course happens to be mine.
This is one of the bigger boxes and also a variety box meaning it's a mixture of all sorts of hot choc drinks. Each hot chocolate variety comes in its own individual packet, and I do love the mini pegs which attach the little labels.
This hot chocolate is very different to the usual tubs found in supermarkets. Each packet is different but all contain actual chocolate rather than just powder. Some are chunky chocolate discs or blocks which get stirred into hot milk until melted. Others are chocolate drops which look very much like your regular edible chocolates and others resemble chocolate flakes. Some are dark chocolate, some milk, some white and some a mixtutre. Many of them also come flavoured such as mint, fruit, fudge and even a chilli hot chocolate which was nice. All of them are to be made with milk so it's a good idea to stock up on big bottles of the stuff prior to receiving a box.
This box is perfect for hot chocolate lovers and even as gifts too. I do love a nice cup of milky hot chocolate in the evening, it helps me relax and drift off peacefully into the land of nod.