At this time I have to take a deep intake of breath and admit, I don't like hostas. I don't, I have said it before and said it quite often. Except, except.....
Most years when I go to RHS Chelsea with my friend and we stand for a while in front of the hosta stand in the Great Pavilion and we have pretty much the same conversation. My friend tries to convince me that hostas are good and I point out the ones I really do not like, but then also point to some that I do. For I have also said often that you cannot dismiss a whole plant family as there is always at least one where you can find a point of attraction.
Add into this mix my very good friends Colin and Karan Ward taking over the stewardship of the National Collection of Hostas at their nursery in Market Deeping. I watched with interest as they started to prepare the hosta garden they were going to create and looked forward to going to visit when the hostas were doing their thing. I decided the other day it was time to visit and see how they were getting on.

I also love this eagle sculpture. Isn't it great? As the garden grows up around it, it will look even better. What I love about this garden is that it is clearly work in progress but there is a lot of other planting being set out as well.

Lakestorm Watch, this has dark purple flowers. Hosta flowers can be variable, but this one sounds good.

Then this also jumped off the shelf at me, it caught my eye and I had to have it:

The more observant amongst you will note that there is a similarity between all that I have bought today. Yes, strappy leaves and not a glaucous one amongst them. I cannot explain why I do not like the broad paddle leaved hostas, or the glaucous ones, but I don't. I don't have a general issue with big leaves, I love some big leaved plants (some of my best friends are big leafed plants.....) I also like some glaucous leaves. There is just something about them in hostas that I do not like.......... maybe I should add the word yet in there......
.........I have never said I am consistent, it is just so dull!