Oct 17, 2020 | 06:00:43 IST
See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign
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The energy of the moon is helping you bring sexy back, Sagittarius! You’re feeling all kinds of positive, and you’re ready to follow your passion with a newfound fervour. If doing something *this* different makes you the black sheep of the crew, so be it. Fitting in was never your style anyway. Nostalgia is a big theme around here, Aquarius. You could find yourself thinking about your soul circle, both old and new. Reach out and check in on them if you haven’t already. One-on-one conversations will prove to be therapeutic in so many ways. Scorpio, this is a time of shifting your gaze from the material plane of existence to the one that is synonymous with inner illumination. It doesn’t matter how much you have on your plate. It takes about 20 minutes to hit the reset button, and you have the permission to meditate at any point during the day.
Aries Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020
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This is a time of inner illumination. You’re finding a way to balance your worldly responsibilities alongside the pursuits of the soul. You understand that the journey is ultimately from the self to the self, and that staying connected to the cosmic stream of consciousness will help you attain liberation. Your newfound peace is having a wonderful effect on your relationships as well. Listen to the voice in your head that’s telling you to make love where there has been war, and trust that you will only grow from strength to strength in the coming months.
Cosmic tip: Inner illumination is a big theme right now.
Taurus Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

Given that we’re officially in retrograde season, things are likely to get heated up around here. The truth is, you may disagree with others on multiple fronts, but that doesn’t make your opinion any better than theirs, Taurus. Word for the wise: listen more than you speak. As and when you feel triggered, make it a point to respond, rather than react.
Cosmic tip: Mind your triggers.
Gemini Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

That mysterious smile on your face reveals that there are big things taking place behind the scenes. The cards want you to know that this is not the time to play it small or safe—and it’s definitely not the time to play the ‘realistic game’. What you want to do instead: take chances, display great daring, and work towards outdoing your past self. Oh, the doors that will open for you when you choose to live in alignment with the grand plan!
Cosmic tip: Remember who you are and what you came here for.
Cancer Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

Discovering your hidden potential is a big theme for you right now and you are realising all the ways in which you are infinite. Let go of the old stories, Cancer. Break up with the lies you have been telling yourself as you allow yourself to manifest the kind of opportunities that will take you places. ‘Thoughts to things’ is a mantra that will serve you well. In the realm of love, you could be falling for somebody who’s quite the smooth talker and possesses the ability to say all the right things at the right time.
Cosmic tip: Discover your hidden potential.
Leo Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

Leo, you’re being asked to reflect upon a certain goal you set for yourself a couple of months ago. What’s keeping you from putting the given plan into action? Are you secretly afraid of prioritising personal projects? The time to move past your inhibitions and commit to the dirty work has come. A Pema Chödrön quote to help you embody courage: “The interesting thing is that the more willing you are to step out of your comfort zone, the more comfortable you feel in your life. Situations that used to arouse fear and nausea become easier to relax in.”
Cosmic tip: Step out of your comfort zone and commit to the dirty work.
Virgo Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

Making money is the easy part. Making your money work for you? Now that’s a craft you’re learning to master. This phase of your life is all about working smart and putting your coins aside for the future. Adopt abundance as a lifestyle and know that the Universe will have your back no matter what. Domestic affairs are also taking center stage right now. You’re in the mood to give your space a do-over, Virgo. Consider taking on an upcycling project this weekend. Throw in some snacks and lemonade to get the crew involved.
Cosmic tip: You’re making your money work for you.
Libra Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

Our relationship with money is one of the many complicated relationships we sign up for in this lifetime—and our childhood experiences play a major role in determining how we approach our finances. As a descendant of Venus, you revel in the idea of living a lush and abundant life. Yet you could be holding onto a conflicting belief about wealth which is keeping you from manifesting what your heart truly desires. The first step to transforming this pattern is acknowledging its presence. Remember, you are worthy of all the good stuff the Universe has to offer. Oh, and there is more than enough to go around!
Cosmic tip: Examine your relationship with money.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

This is a time of shifting your gaze from the material plane of existence to the one that is synonymous with inner illumination. It doesn’t matter how much you have on your plate, Scorpio. It takes about 20 minutes to hit the reset button, and you have the permission to meditate at any point during the day. The key is to move beyond the limitations created by the mind and experience that vast spaciousness where time loses its meaning. Yes, the thoughts will come and go. But over a period of time, you will be able to silence the monkey mind and listen to the voice of wisdom within.
Cosmic tip: You’re shifting your gaze from the material to the spiritual plane of existence.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

The energy of the moon is helping you bring sexy back, Sagittarius! You’re feeling all kinds of positive, and you’re ready to follow your passion with a newfound fervour. If doing something *this* different makes you the black sheep of the crew, so be it. Fitting in was never your style anyway. Given that the path you have chosen is a less trodden one, there will be a lot you don’t know about. Tap into your spontaneous nature instead of feeling lost or confused, and know that the Universe has your back.
Cosmic tip: Follow your passion with a newfound fervour.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

Capricorn, you’re an inspiration to those around you—the kind of mentor who isn’t afraid to get their hands dirty despite being one with the high-fliers. Continue to lead by example and know that in doing so, you will help your crew achieve their highest potential too. But, it’s not all about work-work-work around here. Today, you’re being asked to revisit your personal goals too. Remember, you cannot make big changes overnight. But your patience and dedication will help you arrive at the given destination in no time.
Cosmic tip: Your personal goals are calling for your attention.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

Nostalgia is a big theme around here (hello, retrograde season!). You could find yourself thinking about your soul circle, both old and new. Reach out and check in on them if you haven’t already. One-on-one conversations will prove to be therapeutic in so many ways. Reconnecting with your siblings and cousins is also going to be a big theme this weekend. Heal the old wounds and show up for each other in a way you never have before. There is no better time to tap into the power of love, compassion, and forgiveness.
Cosmic tip: Reach out to your old friends, Aquarius.
Pisces Horoscope Today: October 17, 2020

You’ve been seeing the red flags for a while now, Pisces. So, why are you choosing to make excuses on behalf of other people? What makes you want to stick around despite the emotional repercussions? Today, you’re being asked to remember who you are and what you’re worth. There is no reason for you to put up with people who don’t honor you in the way you deserve. As such, truth and honesty are big themes for you this weekend. Ask yourself the question: Where am I being inauthentic with myself? PS: It’s never too late to course correct.
Cosmic tip: Be cognisant of the red flags.
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