Nov 20, 2020 | 06:00:07 IST
See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign
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We tend to look at everything in our world as transactional. There’s a certain expectation attached to our actions. But what if we learned to give for the joy of giving rather than to gain something in return? Leo, you’re being asked to feel a sense of expansion in your heart, act upon your inner guidance and bring a smile to the faces of those around you. Virgo, we can’t expect things in our life to be rainbows and sunshine at all times. How terribly boring would life be if this were the case! Today, you’re being asked to appreciate both the good and the not-so-good moments of your life, *and* this relationship. Know that if you are able to get through this, you can get through anything at all. Pisces, you’re being asked to acknowledge the differences too. Tapping into that space of wisdom will help you find a way to co-exist.
Aries Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Aries" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />
The past few months have been filled with unexpected twists and turns—twists and turns that threatened to throw you off your game. Yet, you are standing where you are standing today armed with the wisdom that comes from surrendering to the divine plan. Trust that things are about to take a turn for the better for you. The right people and opportunities will come your way too. Let ‘realignment’ be your magic word as you take the next step.
Cosmic tip: You are ready to realign with the grand plan.
Taurus Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Taurus" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />Now that we’re out of Mercury retrograde’s shadow, we have a better perspective on what has and hasn’t worked for us. This is especially true for you, Taurus. You’re walking into the future armed with wisdom and knowledge—the understanding that everything has transpired for your greatest good. So, what are the stories you would like to take into the future with you? You may find yourself introspecting on this over the next few days.
Cosmic tip: What are the stories you would like to take into the future with you?
Gemini Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Gemini" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />There are times when we need to hit the accelerator button and move forward at top speed. And then, there are times we need to slow down and fully assess the problem at hand. If the cosmic cues are anything to go by, surrendering to what’s taking place right now may be the best thing you could do for yourself. So, let go of the need to play tug of war. Let go of the need to worry about the outcome of this situation. The stars will align for you when they’re meant to and everything will work out just fine.
Cosmic tip: Let go of the need to play tug of war.
Cancer Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Cancer" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />You’ve spent hours and hours plotting and planning before you arrived at this stage in your journey. So what’s stopping you from taking the next step? The cards are urging you to let go of ‘can’t’ and replace it with a ‘Hell yes, I can do this!’. The time for you to move forward has come, Cancer. Don’t hold back.
Cosmic tip: Yes, you can do it!
Leo Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Leo" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />We tend to look at everything in our world as transactional. There’s a certain expectation attached to our actions. But what if we learned to give for the joy of giving, rather than to gain something in return? Today, you’re being asked to feel a sense of expansion in your heart, act upon your inner guidance, and bring a smile to the faces of those around you. Embracing the virtue of selflessness is the secret to raising your vibrations.
Cosmic tip: Give for the joy of giving and nothing else!
Virgo Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Virgo" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />We can’t expect things in our life to be rainbows and sunshine at all times. How terribly boring would life be if this were the case! Today, you’re being asked to appreciate both the good and the not-so-good moments of your life *and* this relationship. Know that if you are able to get through this, you can get through anything at all. So, continue to vibrate at the frequency of unconditional love. Trust that your bond will grow from strength to strength as you move forward.
Cosmic tip: Vibrate at the frequency of unconditional love.
Libra Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Libra" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />You’ve been with partners who only half-loved you and threatened to exit at the first sign of discord. But there’s a sense of ease and flow in your relationship now. You’re experiencing a love so deep and unconditional, that everything else seems to pale in comparison. So raise a toast to the divine forces that are holding space for this union, and know that things will only get better from here!
Cosmic tip: A blessed union is on the cards.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Scorpio" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />You can blame your circumstances all you want, but the truth is, you are responsible for the stagnation you are experiencing. Scorpio, the Universe wants you to recognize your role in this divine play and take necessary action. Conquering your fears is the first step on this journey, followed by the will to move forward despite your own limitations. Victory will ultimately be yours. For now, just take the first step.
Cosmic tip: Take responsibility for where you are right now and the lack of movement in your life.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Sagittarius" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />They say everything happens for a reason—a Universal truth you’re beginning to understand on a deeper level. This chapter of your life sees you integrating past lessons and looking at the trajectory of your life with love and only love. You are where you are despite everything that seemed to be working against your favour. If that doesn’t call for a celebration, what does, Sagittarius? Take a moment to integrate the learnings and give thanks for both the good and the bad. Trust that the quality of your life will increase hereon.
Cosmic tip: Take a moment to acknowledge the soul lessons.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Capricorn" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />You are stepping into a period of introspection, Capricorn. So take a moment, pause, and look back at what you have created. Re-evaluation is the need of the hour—a process that will provide you with much-needed perspective. There are certain methods that have worked for you and there are certain methods that have not yielded the desired results. Knowing what you need to let go of before you enter into the new phase is an integral part of the growth and evolution process.
Cosmic tip: Step back and reassess.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Aquarius" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />Beginning a project is always the fun part. Wrapping it up? Not so much. Motivate yourself to keep moving forward nonetheless. You’ll be glad you did—we promise! Dealing with burdens and responsibilities may also be a theme for some of you, but that’s only because you are holding onto the ‘doer complex’. What if you partnered up with the Universe instead? What if you embraced the power of co-creation? You have the power to change your reality, right now and in this moment.
Cosmic tip: Motivate yourself to complete the project.
Pisces Horoscope Today: November 20, 2020
<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Pisces" title="Horoscope today: November 20, 2020" />Life can’t always be rainbows and butterflies, Pisces. How terribly boring would it all be if everything were perpetually picture-perfect! So acknowledge the differences. Be grateful for their presence. Just don’t let them become the cause of separation. Agreeing to disagree may be the best way forward at this moment. PS: Yes, you will find a way to co-exist.
Cosmic tip: Acknowledge the differences.
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