
Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

Posted on the 19 November 2020 by Indianjagran

Nov 19, 2020 | 06:00:07 IST

See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign

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It’s never going to be sunshine and rainbows at all times. It takes both hail and storm for us to appreciate the pleasant weather. So take the turbulence in your stride instead of being dismissive of it, Scorpio. You’re being encouraged to recognize the depth of this connection and put in the work it takes. Trust that you will grow from strength to strength as you move forward. Virgo, we attach too much importance to money and the role it plays in our lives. But obsessing over something to this degree only takes it further away from us. Today, change the approach a little. Instead of worrying about the returns, focus on what needs to be done. Sweet results are on their way to you—trust! Gemini, it’s true that what took place was rather unpleasant. However, there’s no point in holding onto that could’ve-would’ve-should’ve narrative. Let Plastic Ono’s anthem provide you with a much-needed perspective, “Ev’rybody’s talking about, Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism, This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m… All we are saying is give peace a chance.”

Aries Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

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A true alchemist knows alchemy is little about turning base metal into gold, and a lot about the transformation of your own personality. What are you being asked to transform and integrate within you, Aries? The cosmic climate is supporting you to turn your wounds into wisdom. Allow your own experiences to reveal the hidden truths about the Universe. Trust that you will be able to find your true path in the process.

Cosmic tip: Learn from your own experiences. Turn your wounds into wisdom.

Taurus Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Taurus" title="Horoscope today: November 19, 2020" />

Today, you’re being asked to channel that peacock spirit, come out of the shadows, and dance your own dance. You’re unique and different, Taurus. So stop playing by the rules set by other people. Stop trying to please those who will never understand your truth. Some of you may also be drawn towards the performing arts at this point. Yes, all the world is truly your stage, Venusian! But, for now, you’ll have to make peace with the virtual one.

Cosmic tip: Dance your own dance!

Gemini Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Gemini" title="Horoscope today: November 19, 2020" />

Let’s move past the could’ve-would’ve-should’ve narrative. Let’s move past the wounds from a time long gone. It’s true that what took place was rather unpleasant, but there’s nothing you can do to change or fix that. Letting go may be the best way forward. A little something from Plastic One that’s just as relevant today as it was in 1969: “Ev’rybody’s talking about, Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism, This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m… All we are saying is give peace a chance.”

Cosmic tip: Give peace a chance, Gemini!

Cancer Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

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The mouse spirit is coming through as a reminder that while you’re focusing on the larger goals, the smaller details are being missed on here. So, pick up the microscope and go over the fine print. This is your chance to refine the plan of action. Cancer, you’re also being offered the opportunity to partner up with somebody who has much to offer to your project. But in order to recognize the potential here, you’ll have to get off the metaphorical treadmill.

Cosmic tip: Go over the fine print.

Leo Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

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You’re taking everything so seriously, and that’s becoming a real problem. Where’s your sense of playfulness, Leo? Where is the spirit of adventure you are best known for? Today, you’re being encouraged to get off the metaphorical treadmill and appreciate the beauty and blessings that surround you in this moment. Remember, you are exactly where you need to be and everything is unfolding for you in divine time. The less you play tug of war with the Universe, the more seamless the process of manifestation will be.

Cosmic tip: Reconnect with your sense of adventure.

Virgo Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

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The trouble is, we attach too much importance to money and the role it plays in our lives. But obsessing over something to this degree only takes it further away from us. The cards are urging you to change your approach a little. Instead of worrying about the returns, focus on what needs to be done. Create from a space of joy and give the task at hand your undivided attention. Sweet results are on their way to you, Virgo. Trust in the magic!

Cosmic tip: Sweet results are on their way to you.

Libra Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

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When we see the world from where we are standing, we tend to get caught up in the illusion. It’s easy to feel like everything is falling apart, Libra. Is it, though, or are we making space for more? The eagle spirit is urging you to change your perspective a little. By rising above the drama of the mundane world, you will be able to understand the higher reason behind why things are unfolding in a certain way. PS: Trust that you will emerge as a stronger and wiser version of yourself as a result.

Cosmic tip: Rise above.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Scorpio" title="Horoscope today: November 19, 2020" />

It’s never going to be sunshine and rainbows at all times. It takes both hail and storm for us to appreciate the pleasant weather. So take the turbulence in your stride instead of being dismissive of it. Now is not the time for you to give up. What you’re being encouraged to do instead is recognize the depth of this connection and put in the work it takes. Trust that you will grow from strength to strength as you move forward.

Cosmic tip: Put in the work.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

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The WFH situation is turning out to be more fun than you imagined. For starters, you get to work in your PJs all day long. Plus, you can take coffee breaks as and when you want. There is one little problem, though. Yes, we’re talking about your space, Sagittarius. Today, you’re being encouraged to create a conducive environment for yourself. Start by decluttering your surroundings and rearranging your possessions in a way that they support your creative endeavours. The ‘less is more’ philosophy promises to go a long way here.

Cosmic tip: Declutter.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

<img loading="lazy" width="866" height="487" src="" class="affiliate-product wp-post-image" alt="Capricorn" title="Horoscope today: November 19, 2020" />

The Universe is under no obligation to ensure you’re comfortable at all times. Comfort equals stagnation and stagnation is the enemy of growth, right? So, what are the choices you are going to make today, Capricorn? Are you going to resist the given changes or become one with the flow? If the signs are anything to go by, you’ll find yourself taking a few risks and consciously working towards the life you have always imagined. It’s okay if you have never walked this path before. There is plenty of time to figure it all out along the way.

Cosmic tip: Take a leap of faith.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

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What if we said ‘intention’ is the most powerful tool at your disposal, and that with the help of focused attention, you can give your dreams and desires the power to manifest? What are you focusing on today, Aquarius, and how much faith do you have in your own self? It’s time to stop playing small or safe as you remember William Arthur Ward’s famous words: “If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”

Cosmic tip: It’s time to manifest a life that is in alignment with your highest good.

Pisces Horoscope Today: November 19, 2020

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The cards are propagating the virtue of selfless service. The practice of giving with all your heart without getting attached to the outcome or expecting anything in return. Think of it this way: you are serving the Universe through your community, or the people you’re holding space for at this moment. Remember, it’s not always about providing material support. Sometimes, lending a listening ear and reminding the person in front of you how special they are can bring a little more light and magic into this world.

Cosmic tip: Give gracefully without expecting anything in return.

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