Dec 03, 2020 | 06:00:43 IST
See what the stars have in store for your zodiac sign
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Take a moment to reflect upon how receiving the things you love makes you feel. That mysterious smile on your face tells us that there are very few things in life that match up to the joy of being cared for. Now, wouldn’t you want those you love to experience the same exhilaration that you have in the past? Give with gratitude and grace, Libra. There comes a point in every relationship where you are given the option to dive deeper, or continue to swim closer to the surface. Which way will you go, Taurus? Will you let your fears and insecurities get in the way, or choose unconditional love over everything else? Something tells us you’re about to cross an emotional threshold within yourself.
Aries Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020
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Aries, you are surrounded by the kind of people who could be lowering your vibrations by making you doubt your own power and potential. Take a moment to understand where they are coming from. Could somebody who is secure in their being convince another person that they are good for nothing? You already have the answer to this one. Today, you’re being asked to filter out the stories you hear about yourself, and the world around you, as you pick and choose the ones that reinstate your faith in yourself. PS: the most important story you will hear is the one you tell yourself.
Cosmic tip: It’s time to believe in your own power and potential.
Taurus Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

There comes a point in every relationship where you are given the option to dive deeper or continue to swim closer to the surface. Which way will you go, Taurus? Will you let your fears and insecurities get in the way, or choose unconditional love over everything else? Something tells us you’re about to cross an emotional threshold within yourself. Remember, no experience that’s truly worth living comes without a risk. So go all in, beloved! It’s going to be so, so worth it.
Cosmic tip: You are about to cross an emotional threshold within yourself.
Gemini Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

The trouble is, we hold on to our material possessions tightly because we fear we may not have enough when we need it the most. Spirit wants you to know that you will be taken care of, now and for the rest of your life—that there will always be more than enough to go around. So, loosen your grip just a little bit. Redirect your attention from ‘me’ to ‘we’. See how you can share your harvest with those around. Nothing will bring you more joy than being in the energy of giving unconditionally.
Cosmic tip: Give with gratitude and grace.
Cancer Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

There are points in our lives where we seem to be giving and giving the best we can without getting so much as a nod of appreciation in return. Could this be an issue you’re struggling with, Cancer? Do you feel like you’re the only one who is trying to heal, fix, and change everything around here? Just for today, loosen the grip a little. Allow Spirit to step in. As you do, reflect upon all the ways in which you would like to be supported by others, and communicate the same to them without an ounce of hesitation. Something tells us that remembering your own worth will help you bring about a cataclysmic shift.
Cosmic tip: Don’t forget your own worth.
Leo Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

The eclipse that took place earlier this week was wig-snatching for all of us—and you are no exception to the rule, Leo. The cards are urging you to acknowledge all the changes you have gone through internally and externally in this time period, as you give your body and being space to integrate. What you don’t want to do today: play tug of war with the Universe, give yourself grief about not being productive enough, or obsess over that to-do list.
Cosmic tip: Give your body and being the time it needs to integrate.
Virgo Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

When you repeat the story of loss and failure, that’s what you give power to. On the other hand, when you narrate a tale of victory and breakthrough, you give Spirit the power to change the script around for you. But these drastic changes may or may not take place overnight, Virgo. This is something you want to remember now, and for the rest of the month. So continue to affirm the good in your life (even if it makes you feel a wee-bit delusional in the beginning) and watch how the miracles begin to unfold before your own eyes.
Cosmic tip: Affirm the good in your life.
Libra Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

Take a moment to reflect upon how receiving the things you love makes you feel. That mysterious smile on your face tells us that there are very few things in life that match up to the joy of being cared for. Now, wouldn’t you want those you love to experience the same exhilaration that you have in the past? According to author Gary Chapman, there are five love languages, and they include words of affirmation, giving presents, acts of service, quality time, and physical touch. PS: Who knew there were so many ways to make the people in your life feel celebrated?
Cosmic tip: Give with all your heart.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

There is only one you in this world, Scorpio. Now, isn’t that amazing! Today, the cards are urging you to acknowledge what makes you unique—what makes you, *you*. You’ve spent way too much time trying to adhere to the script handed down by you. You’ve spent way too much time trying to live up to everybody else’s expectations of you. What you haven’t allowed yourself is the freedom to fully express your inherent wildness. PS: The time to come out of the shadows is now.
Cosmic tip: Celebrate what makes you unique. Celebrate what makes you, you.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

There comes a point in every journey when things don’t look as good as they did when you first started out, making you question why you’re walking this path. The cards are urging you to acknowledge the trepidation—to know that it’s okay to be plagued by self-doubt once in a while. We all are! Should you give these fears the power to sabotage your game? Anything but. So take a moment to remember your true potential and continue to be loyal to what you love.
Cosmic tip: Continue to walk the path despite the fear and the self-doubt.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

You can spend a lifetime trying to figure out whose fault it was, and still not be able to come to a consensus. So why not start over, Capricorn? Why not look at your circumstances from a fresh perspective? All we’re saying is, give peace a chance! PS: You’ll be glad you did.
Cosmic tip: Give peace a chance.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

You had it all figured out, didn’t you? And then, life decided to throw you a curveball. You have two options, Aquarius: to repeat the story in which you’re the victim, or choose to see the silver lining. Everything is taking place in accordance with the divine plan—this we can promise. What Spirit wants you to remember: the darkest of nights is followed by the light of day. Trust that this too shall pass, beloved. This too shall pass.
Cosmic tip: Everything happens for a reason.
Pisces Horoscope Today: December 3, 2020

It may seem like everything is working against you at the moment. That Spirit is going out of its way to sabotage the game for you. But the truth is, you are where you need to be and you are protected and taken care of even if you cannot see it. Let ‘trust’ and ‘surrender’ become your magic words. You’ll soon look back at this phase in your life as a turning point—we promise.
Cosmic tip: Spirit is working with, not against you.
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