Sports Magazine

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical Trainer Review – A Budget-Friendly Elliptical with Advanced Training Features

By Jessicashaw

Wondering how the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical performs? In this review, we look at the pros, cons, comparable ellipticals, and much more.

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical Trainer Review

Usually, when elliptical trainers come to mind, we picture huge, lumbering machines that take up a ton of room and cost a TON of money.

Horizon Fitness has accomplished the feat of building an elliptical that is relatively compact, has advanced training features like a power adjustable incline, and doesn’t break the bank with its price point.

In this review of the Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical, we guide you through our experience with this budget-friendly elliptical.

The ups, the downs, comparable ellipticals at this price point, and much more.

Let’s get to stepping!

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical Trainer – Key Specs

Before we get into the experience of using this elliptical machine, here are the basics and specs of the machine:

  • Price: $849
  • 23lb flywheel
  • 20” stride length
  • 20 resistance levels
  • 20 levels of incline (power adjustable)
  • Unit weight: 194lbs
  • User weight max: 325lb
  • Front Drive system
  • Dimensions: 76” long x 24” wide x 65.5” high
  • In-home assembly option
  • Warranty: Frame (lifetime), parts (3 years), labor (1 year)
  • Tech: Bluetooth enabled, speakers, USB port, tablet/smartphone rack
  • 8 workout programs (including custom and manual)

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical Trainer – The Pros

Okay, let’s get to the meat and potatoes of our experience using this machine.

The big things that stuck out include:

Power Incline for added difficulty!

Elliptical training is typically done purely horizontally, which can be challenging, yes, but for users who want a little bit more of a challenge, having an optional incline is essential.

The 7.0 AE comes with a power adjustable incline—up to 20 levels—a feature that is simply not seen in elliptical machines at this price point.

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical - Power Incline

Sole Fitness, who makes some of the best ellipticals on the planet, doesn’t offer this feature in their line until the Sole E25 ($1,099), and other budget-friendly ellipticals like the Schwinn 411 ($549) don’t have it at all.

Incline adjustments allow you to really crank up the difficulty and fat burning on the elliptical, and the fact that the 7.0 AE includes this feature is a game-changer.

Smooth ride

The Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE comes with a heavy-duty flywheel that weighs a whopping 23lbs, which generates a very smooth striding experience.

In comparison, the Sole Fitness E20, their entry-level elliptical that similarly costs $799, has a flywheel of just 14.4lbs.

While you won’t get the same sturdy and smooth ride of a commercial elliptical trainer, at this price point, this is about as close as you will get.

Free app

Although the 7.0 AE Elliptical doesn’t have one of those big, shiny and HD screens like a Peloton or NordicTrack, the machine does connect to Horizon Fitness’ app (no subscription fee) that allows you to control the workout session from your smartphone or tablet.

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical - Free App

One note I would add—there are several different Horizon Fitness apps out there, so double-check that you download the one that matches the 7.0 AE to get the most of it.

The machine can also be hooked up to most popular fitness apps (FitBit, MyFitnessPal, and others) so that you can hook up the details of your workouts and log them in your tracker of choice.


And of course, the price!

The cost of elliptical machines tends to be, well, not cheap.

Studio-grade ellipticals start around $1,500 and quickly climb from there.

While the 7.0 AE isn’t designed for high-volume use like the tank-like ellipticals at your local gym, it is definitely more than sturdy enough to handle consistent and daily use from the members of your household.

Excellent assembly manual (Plus In-home assembly options!)

Finally, there is the whole assembly thing.

Ellipticals are relatively complex machines to assemble, especially if you aren’t mechanically inclined or have the time to put it together.

Horizon Fitness includes some fairly clear instructions with the assembly manual, which is a breath fresh air (looking at you, Sole Fitness!).

Instead of three or four diagrams with entire machine exploded, the manual goes step by step, illustrating and explaining each step.

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical - Assembly Instructions
Step-by-step instructions for each step of assembly are clearly presented. Much appreciated!

But if you don’t want to spend a couple of hours putting it together yourself, there is some good news.

Like many other elliptical brands, Horizon Fitness offers an in-home assembly option, which I highly recommend using.

The “white glove delivery” which includes assembly in the room of your choice will run you an additional $299.

For most people, the peace of mind and reduced frustration is worth the added cost.

Very responsive customer service

Peace of mind is crucial when investing a bunch of money into expensive fitness equipment. You want to make sure that the machine won’t crash and burn on day three of your “new year, new me” plan.

Horizon Fitness is one of the best in the game when it comes to responding to queries and dealing with defective or broken parts. Both times I emailed them regarding an issue I was having they responded within hours.

The warranty on the Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE is fairly standard, with a lifetime warranty on the frame (which is made of steel, so makes sense), 1 year on the flywheel, 3 years on parts, and one year on the labor.

They also offer warranty “boosts” during checkout which increase the parts and labor up to 5 years (for $149).

Definitely worth checking out—cardio equipment can be a royal pain in the buttocks to get fixed when the inevitable breakdowns happen.

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AE Elliptical Trainer – The Cons

There are some things that could be improved with the Horizon Fitness

Limited workout programming

The machine comes with 8 total workout programs, but two of those are manual and custom, leaving just six pre-programmed, err, programs for working out.

This is significantly less than most ellipticals for home gyms and requires you to adjust resistance manually if you don’t fancy the limited workouts included with the elliptical.

The app is a bit glitchy

While I loved using the app for the first week I used the machine, I found that it was glitchy and crashed from time to time.

There were moments it simply dropped connectivity mid-workout, losing the data from the workout.

There are some similar reviews and experiences out there, and the app rating is not great on the app marketplaces.

Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical Trainer – Comparable Ellipticals

Wondering what other ellipticals are out there that are in the same bucket when it comes to features and price?

Here are the three best alternatives to the Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical:

Sole E25 Elliptical Trainer. Has power incline (20 levels), 20” stride, a 20lb flywheel, and 10 workout programs. Retails for $1,099.  

Sunny Health E905 Elliptical. Ideal for short users with an 11” stride, a compact footprint, and a $200 price tag.   

Schwinn 411 Elliptical Review. Lighter than the Horizon, the 411 has an 18” stride, tiny footprint, and is highly affordable at $549.

The Bottom Line

There are many things to really like about the Horizon 7.0 AE Elliptical Trainer.

The price is awesome, it’s the only budget-friendly elliptical with incline, and the heavy 22lb flywheel generates a smooth and sturdy striding experience.

For people who don’t want to spend a TON of money on an elliptical machine, this machine represents an excellent opportunity to get a lot of the sturdiness and functionality of a studio elliptical in the comfort of your own home.

To recap:


Excellent price pointApp is glitchy

Power incline for increased difficultyLimited pre-programmed workouts

Full-size stride length (20”) 

Smooth and sturdy stride (22lb flywheel) 

Straightforward assembly 

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