Just imagine the goodies I could grow in a greenhouse...

I often wonder if other people standing in line at the Roaster are doing the same darn thing I'm doing...
Patronizing that place simply because they're local. They couldn't make a decent cappuccino if their lives depended on it.

Greenhouse Fever: I'll take this one!
Cold coffee aside, it was a fun morning of sharing seeds and talking gardening. A fine time to dream since we're 6 months out from planting season.Deb's also an alpaca rancher. I have a blurry vision of what alpacas are all about. My horse tends to race past them at a dead gallop because she's certain sure they're gonna eat her. So, I'm excited to pay a visit to Sunrise Ranch (without my horse) to see what these cuddly critters are all about.

I'd be A-Okay with a not-so-fancy hoopie house, too.
We discovered we're both dreaming of hoop houses. To extend our mountain growing season (which gets weirder and more volatile every year.)
This could work.
I'm actually way past the dreamy stage. I'm deep into OCD. As in obsessing night and day about the bennies of a hoop house.Is this inspired by skyrocketing food prices? Driven by mounting food safety concerns?
Oh, hell no. This is all about the zen-y aspect of puttering in a greenhouse, playing with baby seedlings, all year long. I'd be in 7th heaven.
So, here we go. I'm officially declaring that this is the year. That a hoop house, a high tunnel, a greenhouse or something similar gets built in 2012. {Resolution #1.}
And, I'd be totally cool with this one. (Provided they'll take a bouncy-type check...)

Now you're talkin'
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