There is something about this outfit that very much reminds me of Amy Flying a Kite. Perhaps because of the longer skirt length, the of-the-woods feel to the colors, the slightly unruly hair (to me, used to straight hair), and the whimsy that comes with headscarves and unusual prints on skirts. I don’t know exactly what it is, but the entire thing feels very Amy.
Perhaps it’s also because these glasses, newly received from Firmoo, feel a bit homeschooler-ish to me, and Amy has a (very charming) homey vibe in her posts. (And she was/is, in fact, home-schooled.)

I’m sure many of you know this by now, if you’ve read my blog for a while, but I was home-schooled. I’m the only one of my siblings who was entirely home-schooled from kindergarten to high-school, and who never attended college. People used to be surprised when I mentioned that I was home-schooled, and that I loved it. There’s a certain stereotype that comes with the word — a stereotype of extreme modesty, of long, uncut hair, of unstylish clothing and unsocialized personalities and an overall air of naivety.
Maybe it’s a changing perception, but growing up, saying you were home-schooled was either your downfall amongst peers or the fodder for questions such as the all-too-familiar “do you go to school in your pajamas?”
But I never cared. I loved being able to finish my homework by noon when my friends were still at school, and having an entire afternoon and evening free when they still had papers to write and tests to complete. I loved the flexibility of the schedule, being at home, speeding through certain subjects, and graduating early because I just wanted to be done. I feel as though it gave me more leave to be creative in the ways I wanted to be, and I think I learned more at home than I would have in a classroom. I am a one-on-one, show-it-to-me-first kind of learner, and I don’t know if I would have had the same experience or gained the same knowledge at school.

I had hoped that this pair of glasses, my sixth from Firmoo (the others: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) would lean more towards a retro cat-eye 50’s look, but in all honesty they remind me of my mom and, I think, make me look much more like her. Which is not a bad thing. But they’re not quite as retro as I had hoped.
The thing I love about Firmoo, though, is that the prescription has always been spot-on for me, the fit is always wonderful, delivery is fast, they’re affordable, and their glasses look exactly like the picture. Perhaps if I had bothered to peek at the images submitted by other wearers I would have realized they weren’t the retro feel I was going for, or if I had used their “try it on” feature, I could have chosen a different frame more suited to my tastes.

Vintage leather coat, thrifted | skirt and booties, thrifted | shirt and tights, Target | necklace, c/o Rocksbox | glasses, c/o Firmoo
Still, I can see myself wearing these for certain outfits. The little details really please me – the pretty design on the sides, the tiny rhinestones, the tortoiseshell. I love glasses that have small details to make an overall great design.
And even if they make me look a bit more home-schooler than I had hoped, hey… it’s what I am. So on those days when I’m feeling extra nerdy, I’ll grab these frames, a stack of books, and exhibit my upbringing in the details of what I wear.
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!

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P.S. If you haven’t tried Rocksbox yet, I know I keep pushing it but seriously: every box gets better and better! I didn’t think I’d like this necklace until I tried it on, and now I’m in love! The stylists really do know how to put together a fantastic box. So use the code eccentricowlblogxoxo and get a free month of jewelry, all personalized for you. I promise, you won’t be sorry. And if you are, you can cancel easily, no harm done. 😉