Maximum of the fungicides available in the market are categorized as toxic. Whenever gardeners are challenged with some sort of disease or fungus on the plant, they prefer to use homemade and organic fungicide over buying one from the market. Many homeowners and landscape professionals cherry-pick organic fungicides due to given reasons.
- They are economical to use. They cost much less than those available in the market. So, they will not only be cost effective but performance effective as well. Sometimes they do not cost a dime as one can prepare them with the things easily available in the kitchen.
- They are less toxic as compared to ones available in the market. They are not lethal to the pleasant plants and grass around.
- Another reason to prefer using organic products is their eco-friendly output. They do not harm the environment nor release any toxicity into the air or soil. Because they are more environmentally friendly, they are more favored and desired by the landscape owners. They do not harm any non-targeted organism. The responsible gardener is the one who is mindful of the ecological impacts of the product he is using. Others say they just want to use a product that works, regardless of the ecological impact.
- The biological products are also chosen over the non-biological one as the gardener prepares it himself, so he's well aware of the impact of particular ingredients on the specific disease or fungus.
- Making one's own fungicide gives the horticulturists a satisfaction of control over a specific ingredient. He can modify the product by altering the proportion of the ingredients according to his choice or need.
Keeping such things in mind, the gardeners come up with this question about which homemade fungicide is best to use. So they often ask the expert horticulturists to recommend them a good fungicide.
But recommending any fungicide may not meet the needs of that gardener.
Bang! Why not prepare one at home to enjoy the economical and environment friendly product. It also has the edge in fulfilling specific needs.
There are natural fungicides as well.
Different gardeners adopt various procedures to make organic fungicide at home. The most common and the simplest of all is the baking soda and water fungicide.
How to Make Best Fungicide at Home?
Different types of fungicides that can be prepared at home other than baking soda areSpider Mites, Thrips, Gnats, Aphids and more are the victim of this natural fungicide spray. It not only kills spider mites but also the eggs they lay in your yard.
Preparation and ingredientsIt is prepared with a very distinctive soap oil. This soap oil is mixed in a proper proportion with herbs having fungicidal properties. It is also used on food crops and is deemed to be safe to staple crops.
One tablespoon of soda with half tea spoon of the liquid will do the job. Secondly, combining non-detergent soap with one gallon of water will add to the efficiency.
Its application is simple and easy. All you have to do is to spray the blend generously on the affected plants. You can repeat the process periodically if needed.
Apple Cider Vinegar
You can use either vinegar or mouth wash to prepare this fungicide. The acetic acid it contains can be greatly helpful in controlling fungus and other diseases.
Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a gallon of water. Here is the solution for your intruder.
Spray it normally with a spray bottle all over the plant.
Horseradish is an underground stem. It can kill fungus. Following are the steps in its preparation.
- Finely chop the roots in pestle or blender.
- Add desired water and let it remain soaked for a day or two.
- Sieve the liquid and throw away solid.
- Put in a spray bottle and start your job.
It is easy and simple. Take a handful of cornmeal and scatter it all around the affected plant.
- Take and aspirin and grind it into powder.
- Add it to the water.
- Evenly spray the mixture on the plant from tip to root.
- Use as frequently as required.
UV Clean Light
- It is a type of ultraviolet bulb. It is used to disinfect the crops and plants from the fungus and other diseases. It can be used inside the grow room. Its beams will sanitize the entire grow room.
Neem oil is a natural pesticide. It can be effective by adding its juice or powder to water. It can then be directly sprayed.
It can be used like using soda but it is relatively stronger than that.
It is effective and greater to use it. Only mix potassium bicarbonate with same amount of vegetable oil in a gallon of water. This solution is the solution for fungus killing.
Sulfur's efficiency is quite satisfactory in killing the fungus and other garden diseases but it also has some shortcomings. It is available in both liquid and powder form. One has to make its mixture with water and spray like any other spray.
Some gardeners use the diary milk to kill the fungus and pests. They prefer it the most as it is readily available in homes and markets. 2:3 portion of milk to water is to be mixed and sprayed directly on the infected plant.
A solution can be made with adding water to the crushed garlic cloves. This can act as a great fungicide. It helps the crops like sulphur does.
One tablespoon of hydrogen per oxide (also known as per oxidol) to one gallon of water can be catastrophic for the fungus dwelling on the plants. It should be ensured that the amount of per oxide is too less or else it can damage the plant it is deemed to be protected. It is good to use it as it is not only effective but also readily available in the stores.
Apple cider vinegar is another freely available ingredient that can be made into a natural remedy for powdery mildew. To create this solution, mix two to three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with one gallon of water, then spray onto leaves. Be careful to maintain this ratio, however, as too much vinegar can damage your crops.