Art & Design Magazine

Homeless Lottery Winner From Viral Video Gets A New Home

By Inspirion @GoodMood20
Image credits: Youtube/MagicofRahat

Homeless Lottery Winner From Viral Video Gets A New Home


Back in March, YouTube prankster “Magic of Rahat” posted a video called ” Homeless Lottery Winner ” in which he made a homeless man named Eric think that he won the lottery. The whole thing was planed and staged in advance. Rahat gave $1000 to the cashier in a near by shop and asked him to pretend that Eric have won it.

Video went viral because Erik succeeded to win the hearts of millions of Youtubers when he broke down in tears and offered to share half of his winnings with Rahat.

The story did not end here. Seeing the reaction of the audience, Rahat decided to launch  a campaign to raise money with which he planed to give Erik the gift of a lifetime. Rahat wanted to collect $20 000, which at that moment seemed as “mission impossible”. However, once again the Internet crowd came though and in just 17 days raised over $40 000.

Changing the life of an individual who really deserves a chance is not that hard. Despite all the foolery in the world, there are some amazing people out there who are ready to step up and help.  Faith in humanity restored!

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