Cat Bath: Image by Khanb1, FlickrHas your cat been smelling strange? It could be due to poor hygiene or a health problem. Keep reading to see what you can do about your cat's bad smells.
What To Do About A Smelly Cat
If your cat is smelling bad, you should get it taken care of. Here are some methods to help you get rid of your cat's bad smells.
Most cat's are pretty efficient at keeping themselves well-groomed, but not all of them. If your cat isn't properly grooming himself, it's time to step in and take action. This means that you might have to bathe your cat yourself. Not every cat will tolerate a bath. If your cat is one of these, try a waterless bath product like Bio-Groom Waterless Cats And Dogs Bath Shampoo. Also, it's important to make a habit of brushing your cat daily to remove excess dirt and fur. If you have a long-haired cat, it might also be necessary to trim the fur underneath the tail to remove any feces buildup.
Bad Breath
Bad breath indicates a need for better dental care. If your cat has bad breath, consider starting a regular dental regimen. Apply toothpaste to your cats teeth, and rub the outside of them with your finger. Once your cat is used to your finger, you can begin using a cat toothbrush like the Bamboo Quadbrush. If possible, start this routine at an early age, and do it about 30 minutes after every meal. Never use human toothpaste as it can cause health problems for your cat. A good cat toothpaste like CET Poultry Toothpaste should do the job. There are also dental cat treats available that can help with dental hygiene.
Good Diet

Cats spray naturally to mark their territory, which might be causing bad smells in your home. If your cat is spraying, consider taking him to a vet to see if anything can be done.
Health Problems
Your cat might be exhibiting bad smells because of a health problem that you're not aware of. Potential health problems that might cause bad smells include swollen or infected anal glands, skin or ear infections, kidney problems, some cancers, or oral disease. If you can't figure out the cause of your cat's bad smell, take him to a vet so you can be double sure that it's not because of a serious health issue.
With these home remedies, your cat will be smelling better in no time. Do you own a smelly cat? What have you done to fight the odor?