Debate Magazine

Hollywood Celebrities for Gun Control

Posted on the 27 February 2012 by Mikeb302000
Hollywood Celebrities for Gun Control
Guns and Ammo has a post listing a number of Hollywood celebrities who favor gun control in spite of the fact that they profit from films exhorting gun violence.
Hollywood’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. While its multi-million dollar movie stars cash in on shoot ‘em up thrillers and cop dramas, they openly move to restrict gun ownership in this country. When the lights turn off and the cameras stop running, these stars put down their prop house guns and pick the Brady Campaign banner. When a fortune is made on the portrayal of guns on the silver and small screen and that cash turns into donations to the anti-gun lobby, it should make every Second Amendment supporter think: Where is my money really going?
Fame is a powerful weapon, and it’s hard to believe that these celebs have anti-gun leanings. But they do.
I don't know if it's fair to call that hypocrisy. Perhaps these people, unlike the gun-rights advocates, know how to separate fantasy from reality. In the fantasy world of film, anything goes, but in the real world of common-sense legislation to diminish gun violence, we need to be more responsible than the folks at Guns and Ammo would like.
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