In the words of John Lennon - "Love is the flower you've got to let grow", so why not help grow that love by gifting a beautiful bouquet of flowers this holiday. This season, Teleflora has some wonderful Christmas Bouquets that come in some wonderfully festive vases and jars that capture the love and joy of the holiday perfectly. Know someone who loves candy canes, ornaments, snowmen or polar bears? Teleflora has the perfect Christmas holiday arrangement for them.
Teleflora's Peppermint Sticks Bouquet
Teleflora's cute Peppermint Sticks vase presents a merry bouquet of red and white blooms (red carnations, miniature red carnations and white button chrysanthemums are accented with variegated holly, noble fir, white pine), accented with festive ornament balls and a few fun candy canes. This bouquet comes in three sizes: Standard ($49.95), Deluxe ($59.95) and Premium ($69.95).
Teleflora's Jeweled Ornament Bouquet
Who says Christmas ornaments can only decorate the tree. Teleflora's limited-edition bejeweled ornament takes the beauty of a Christmas Tree and allows you to share it with your special someone. This rich bouquet of holiday blooms (red roses, maroon carnations, miniature maroon carnations, variegated holly, white pine, seeded eucalyptus, and golden pine cones) are accented with a shimmering gold ribbon in Teleflora's exclusive Jeweled Ornament vase. This bouquet comes in three sizes: Standard ($52.95), Deluxe ($62.95) and Premium ($72.95).
Teleflora's Snowman Cookie Jar Bouquet
This Christmas, send someone a real treat with a fresh, festive bouquet hand-delivered in Teleflora's exclusive hand-painted, merry Snowman Cookie Jar that you can use again and again. This festive arrangement includes red carnations, miniature red carnations, green button chrysanthemums, white cushion chrysanthemums, flat cedar, noble fir, white pine and green ornament balls. This bouquet comes in three sizes: Standard ($59.95), Deluxe ($69.95) and Premium ($79.95).
Teleflora's Send a Hug Cuddle Bears Bouquet
Thanks to Coca-Cola, we've started to associate polar bears with Christmas which is why we think the Teleflora Send a Hug Cuddle Bears Bouquet is super cute. This limited-edition polar bear vase shines with sparkling silver ornaments, red carnations, holiday holly, red carnations, white cushion chrysanthemums, flat cedar, noble fir and red berries. This bouquet comes in three sizes: Standard ($49.95), Deluxe ($59.95) and Premium ($69.95).
Lifestyle Magazine
Holiday Gift Guide | Say It with Flowers
By Glasgow Skinner/ My Life On And Off The Guest List @guestlistblogAbout the author
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