The pictures of the day splashed all over the front of the Drudge Report and throughout mainstream media should speak far louder than words in telling the American people about the contempt that this bat***t crazy and completely evil, psychopathic shrew thinks about us; these pictures should be the images that send Hitlery Clinton to her political grave. While we expect this story to be controversial, we strongly doubt that any of Clinton's supporters will come here to defend her as her support base is quickly slipping away.
Roping in reporters like cattle, this evil henchwoman every day reminds more and more people of her mass murdering idol as she quickly shows she deserves the nickname that will dog her every movement in 2015 and 2016, Hitlery the Shrew. With former US Judge Andrew Napolitano warning in this Washington Times story called Hillary's Secret War.: "Hillary Clinton approved arms for terrorist enemies of the United States," will we soon have ANOTHER New World Order 'tool' sitting in the White House who hates the American people and who wears American blood on her hands?
In the course of my work, I am often asked by colleagues to review and explain documents and statutes. Recently, in conjunction with my colleagues Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne, I read the transcripts of an interview Ms. Browne did with a man named Marc Turi, and Ms. Herridge asked me to review emails to and from State Department and congressional officials during the years when Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state.
What I saw has persuaded me beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty that Mrs. Clinton provided material assistance to terrorists and lied to Congress in a venue where the law required her to be truthful.

Screaming out "GO BACK TO THE ROPE LINE!!!", Hitlery ropes in the drueling, boot licking press like cattle, causing one child to tweet: "Look Hillary, I might just be a kid, but even I know you shouldn't use ropes to wrangle the press like cattle." Meanwhile, another twitter user tells us the way he sees it: "Hillary was just reusing the same rope from her last campaign that she hung herself with." 'I might just be a kid' Josh Jordan also wrote: ‘239 years ago America declared independence. Today Hillary celebrates that by roping off the press like wild animals.’ While one twitter user implored the press to 'grow a pair' and cut the rope, these images are more proof of what Reporters Without Borders recently told us about the freedom of the press in Amerika as we've fallen to #49 on the list in 2015 and Hitlery goes out of her way to make sure that the fawning US press knows it.

Telling us in the 1st video below from Webster Tarpley Radio that a vote for Hitlery in 2016 is a vote for World War 3, will Americans once again overlook all of the facts and fall for someone who has Americans blood all over her hands for Benghazi as shared in the 2nd and 3rd videos below or, for once, shall Americans awaken in time to prevent ANOTHER lunatic in the White House, aiming to destroy America, in 2016?