You don’t necessarily need to purchase an expensive actioncam or underwater DSLR housing in order to capture good action shots. Hitcase, have made rugged, waterproof and shockproof iPhone housings which also allow full operation of screen, buttons and audio jack. The premium version, Hitcase Pro, boosts your iPhone camera’s perspective as it features a wide angled lens.
Now that your phone is shielded from the elements, it’s time to capture some first-person point-of-view footage with the ChestR Mount. The ChestR Mount is an over the shoulder harness styled mount in which the camera sits in the centre of the user’s chest. The mount allows the iphone to be rotated 360 degrees and pivot 90 degrees, allowing for a wide range of camera angles. With one-click iPhone removal, stash pocket, headphone cable loops, neoprene body, polycarbonate chest plate and adjustable straps, the ChestR is also GoPro mount compatible.
The Hitcase $89.99US, Hitcase Pro $129.99US and ChestR Mount $49.99 are great products for action sports enthusiast looking for some point-of-view footage on the slopes, water, trail or street.