The Museum of the City of New York will be the latest museum to enter Web 3. In recent news, the Manhattan-based historical museum filed several patents related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and Metaverse with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
The trademark application was filed with the USPTO on August 10, and indicated the museum’s plans to provide:
• NFTs
• Crypto collectibles
• Crypto app tokens used and transferred on Software as a Service (SaaS)
• Crypto-collectibles & application tokens accessed on a platform as a service (PaaS).
Trademark attorney Mike Kondodis announced the news through Twitter soon afterward.
The Museum of the City of New York is a history and art museum established by Henry Collins Brown in 1923. The museum has six curatorial departments that focus on theater, photography, decorative arts, painting, sculpture, and costumes. In addition, the museum has collections and exhibits which focus on the history, culture, and economic importance of New York City.
Web3 could have advantages for museums
The pandemic was hard for museums around the world, forcing them to close their doors and lose a steady stream of visitor revenue. But the times also prompted some museums to experiment with new technologies and find new ways to get customers. Some, such as the Museum of the City of New York, find answers to their problems in Web 3.
And the Museum of the City of New York is not the only one entering the Web3. Below are two recent stories about museums stepping into Web3 and the metaverse to do business.
A few months ago, Vatican was partnering with Web3 company Sensorium to bring some of its murals, paintings, and sculptures to the metaverse. Reports suggest that there will be a virtual Vatican museum which will enable viewers from around the world to discover the museum in virtual reality, and NFTs probably in the cards.
Second, Dubai Future Museum collaborated with Binance NFT to launch a set of NFT series’, titled “The Most Beautiful NFTs in the Metaverse”. A spokesperson for Binance stated that the company looks forward to working with the museum to more blockchain adoption in the region and create industry-leading digital products.
Displaying series’ in virtual spaces and selling digital products as an NFT are two new ways that museums can take advantage of emerging technologies. It will probably be a while before we see what the Museum of the City of New York has in store, but we wouldn’t be surprised if more museums follow them into Web3.
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