I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Series: MacGruder Brothers #6
on December 19th 2013
Genres: Fantasy, Historical
Pages: 236
Source: NetGalley

Lady Catarine MacLaren is a fairy princess, duty-bound to eschew the human world. But the line between the two realms is beginning to blur. English knights have launched an assault on the MacLarens, just as the families of Comyn have captured the Scottish king and queen. Now, Catarine is torn between loyalty to her people and helping the handsome, rust-haired Lord Trálin rescue the Scottish king...
But He Couldn't Live Without Her...
As guard to King Alexander, Lord Trálin MacGruder will stop at nothing to defend the Scottish crown against the Comyns. And he finds a sympathetic, and gorgeous, ally in the enigmatic Princess Catarine. As they plot to rescue the kidnapped king and queen, Trálin and Catarine will discover a love made all but impossible by her obligations to the Otherworld. But a passion this extraordinary may be worth the irreversible sacrifices it demands...
This was an interesting read, with the fey Catarine and the human Trálin. It is kind of a Romeo and Juliet story where they are not able to be together, he’s human she’s fey and engaged to a Prince who will keep her family from going to war. And they both really do try to stay away from one another, but their attractions is just not something that can be denied. Even though they have to go and rescue Trálins’ king and then try to find out who killed Catarines’ uncle. The story is fast paced and there is lots of adventure during their travels and the mystery of who the killer is and how they are accomplishing their treachery is enough to keep you turning the page. Oh and don’t forget while all that’s happening Trálin and Catarine are trying to keep their hands off each other. This really is a good book and if you like books that take place in Scotland in the 13th century or if you like stories that contain a touch of magic – another thing I like about this story is that while Catarine is fey and does some magic the book is not completely inundated with magic.
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