
Hints For Preparing For Spring 2020

Posted on the 13 January 2020 by Sim @simslifeblog

After a mild Christmas weather wise, it looks like we are all gearing up for snow now. Well, it certainly feels like that at the moment, anyone else finding themselves wrapping up with even more layers? Being a sun bunny, I find myself looking forward to sunny days and warmth... the ability to go outdoors without needing a duvet style jacket and gloves. Can you tell I am already on the countdown to Spring?

Shops have cleared their shelves of Christmas goodies and moved onto Valentine's and Easter treats seamlessly, with products offering a glimmer of hope of warmer weather to come. So what can we expect as we battle through the Winter months? Let's have a look at what will be on offer for Spring 2020.

Preparing For Spring 2020

Hints For Preparing For Spring 2020
Hints For Preparing For Spring 2020

Fashion Trends Spring 2020

According to Cosmopolitan, shirt dresses, ankle chains, floral designs and denim dresses are totally on trend for Spring 2020. Mildly optimistic for the warm weather, I like it! However I think I will be sticking to my usual trusty staple of skinny jeans and shirts. A classic look that I feel comfortable in, I may well leave dresses until the Summer months! I have never really been one to keep up with the latest fashion trends, preferring to simply wear clothes I feel comfortable in, though I do like checking in on the weird crazes!

Hints For Preparing For Spring 2020
Hints For Preparing For Spring 2020

Accessory Trends Spring 2020

Expect oversized bags, Mary Jane pumps and traditional, timeless accessory pieces to dominate Spring 2020. A statement watch has always been my go to accessory, although I really should get a new battery for my current watch as it is somewhat redundant at the moment! Smartwatches are so popular at the moment and even Liv has reached the age where she favours one over a traditional watch. Searching for best girls smart watches brings up some fabulous ideas, knowing how many steps you have taken in a day sets a challenge to beat that the next! What accessories will you be rocking in Spring 2020?

Hints For Preparing For Spring 2020
Hints For Preparing For Spring 2020

Beauty Trends Spring 2020

I love Home Bargains, it is a total treasure trove of goodies, never knowing what you will find one week to the next. They have already started stocking beauty treats to help you prepare for Spring and the warmer months. The all in one Simple beauty kits caught my eye immediately along with the Impulse set in handy shiny makeup bag sized kit. Perfect if you are gearing up for travels, with the Simple Travel Bag (£3.99) containing items under 100ml, if choosing to only travel with cabin baggage. The beauty goodies are great for preparing for Spring by getting your skin in tip top condition for the warmer weather.

How will you be preparing for Spring 2020? Are you excited to rock a denim dress?

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