The Republicans, the corporate media, and even some on the left have done their best to smear Hillary Clinton with the silly e-mail "scandal" -- trying to crucify her for doing something that was not against the law, and which was done by many other politicians (facts which they conveniently ignore). But their pathetic attempt to damage Clinton has gained no traction with the general public.
The numbers in all of these charts are from the most recent CNN / ORC Poll -- done between March 13th and 15th of 1,009 randomly chosen national adults, and has a margin of error of 3 points.
As you can see from the charts, Clinton maintains a huge lead among Democrats over any other potential candidates (even after some left-wing organizations spent over a million dollars to drum up support for Elizabeth Warren). And perhaps more important, Hillary Clinton maintains a substantial lead over all of the leading GOP hopefuls -- a lead of between 11 to 16 points.
The United States is ready for a woman to be president -- and right now, it looks like there's a very good chance the first female president will be Hillary Clinton.