Current Magazine

Hilary Clinton Email Scandal Could Pose Major Impediment to Her Presidential Campaign

Posted on the 17 August 2015 by Real Talk @talkrealdebate2012

Despite the recent rise of Bernie Sanders former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remains the front-runner for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. Clinton who this year joined the race for the country’s highest political office has been dogged by an investigation into her email server she used while in her cabinet position. The inquiry to access the candidate’s emails arose from the continuing investigation into the terrorist attack at the American embassy in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton has until last week refused to hand over her email server to FBI officials refuting any wrong-doing. She maintains: “I’m confident that I never sent or received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received.” Officials are combing through the 30,000+ of emails to ensure that Mrs. Clinton’s decision to have a private server outside of the White House did not compromise national security.

According to the Washington Times, at least 60 emails so far contained “classified” information and 2 contained “top secret” info (the highest level of classified info). Clinton supporters argue that she has not lied to investigators and did not email information that at the time was “classified” on her personal server.

The investigation as to whether any federal laws were violated will take months to determine. Officials are also determining if Russia or China potentially hacked the server and were privy to national security details. In the end, Mrs. Clinton could very well be proven innocent of any wrong-doing or negligence.

However, in the event of that hypothetical I wonder how she can explain why she even had a server outside of the White House. Why take the risk? Is she too lazy to walk to the Situation Room and log in and read her emails? Is she too maverick to use secure lines as protected by our federal government? Even if she did nothing illegal I have to point out that what she did was pretty careless. As someone who usually leans to conservative candidates, but does not rule out voting for a Democratic nominee when that candidate is the best choice for our country I am disheartened by her actions. I will wait for the investigation to conclude, but I as of now I am weary of voting for a candidate who doesn’t take minimum precautions.

I’m sorry but your last name can only give you so much credibility. Show me solve resolve. Show me some basic competence. Show me that while in office you won’t carelessly jeopardize national security.



Twitter: @adrakontaidis & @talkrealdebate

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