Destinations Magazine

Hiking the Vall De Núria, Pyrenees

By Monkeys And Mountains Adventure @Laurel_Robbins

Vall de Núria, Pyrenees, Spain

I knew I would like The Vall de Núria (Valley of Núria in English) as soon as I heard that the only way to get there was by rack railway or by foot. No roads=bliss/joy/nature (take your pick of adjectives). What I didn’t realize was how much I would like it.

The Vall de Núria is stunning! And this is coming from a girl who grew up near the Rocky Mountains in Canada, so believe me, I know my mountains!

Train to the Vall de Núria in the Pyrenees, Spain
 There are so many hiking trails to choose from but when Simon, also an avid hiker from Wild About Travel, suggested that we hike the Old Road (Pel pont de Cremal) back down instead of taking the train, I didn’t hesitate. The scenery of the Vall de Núria is gorgeous but in my opinion is experienced much better while hiking than by train. Isabelle of Diaro de a bordo soon joined us. She had done it before but was eager to do it again. We grabbed a quick bite at the self-service restaurant (I would recommend bringing your own lunch) and were off.

Hiking the The Vall de Núria in the Pyrenees, Spain
 There are three variations to the Old Road, but we choose the classic version.  It follows the valley for 7.7 km to the town of Queralbs where we were to catch the train and meet up with the rest of our group.  As we did the descent from Vall de Núria to Queralbs it was easy hiking and took us about 2:30 hours, faster than the 3:20 hours recommended hiking time.
Hiking the Old Road from Vall de Núria to Queralbs in the Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain
The ascent (which we didn’t do) would have been more challenging.  It’s over 900m of elevation gain. The official recommended hiking time for the ascent is 3:45, but it could be done faster if you were hiking at a steady pace.
Laurel and Isabelle hiking the Vall de Nuria in the Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain

Hiking the Vall de Nuria in the Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain

Waterfall and bridge in the Vall de Nuria in the Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain

I LOVED hiking the Old Road from Vall de Núria to Queralbs! There were views the ENTIRE way. It was well signed.  Everything you could want in a hike…except that now I want to experience it in winter… and do more hiking in the Pyrenees!

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