Lifestyle Magazine

Hiking, It’s Good For You!

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after a week of work, running, and writing. The seasons are about to change. Fall is in the air even though it’s still hot.

Forest, Hiking, It's Good for You, Lisa OrchardPhoto credit: Seclusive Nature on VisualHunt

One of the things I love to do in the fall is hike. I love the dusty smell of leaves in the air and the changing colors. I know you’ve heard this from me before, but I’m going to say it again. Hiking is good for you.

Just stepping into the woods for a hike calms me. It’s a great stress reliever. Our world can be chaotic with our busy schedules, traffic, and issues that pop up in our daily lives.

Did you know hiking is good for you physically as well? It helps with weight management because you’re burning calories, but it also beefs up your immune system. That’s right. The trees release phytocides that help them fight off insects. These same chemicals help boost our immune system.

Path, Hiking, It's Good for You, Lisa OrchardPhoto credit: #Sacho# on

We need to get back out into nature more. It’s good for us, and hiking is as natural for us as breathing. Did you know you burn as many calories hiking as you do when you run? That’s right. It’s that good for you. It doesn’t matter how fast you move you still burn the same number of calories.

Hiking also builds stronger muscles and bones. This is important as we get older. We lose muscle mass, so any way we can improve it helps keep us mobile in our old age. It also improves your balance, which we sorely need as we age.

Muscles, Hiking, It's Good for You, Lisa OrchardPhoto credit: St. Murse on

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed I’m not as agile as I used to be. So, if you’re looking for a new hobby, try hiking. It’s good for you in so many ways.

The Japanese call it Forest Bathing. It’s a real practice, and many doctors prescribe it for depression and other maladies. How about you? Do you hike? Where’s your favorite place? Leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!

Forest Bathing, Hiking, It's Good for You, Lisa OrchardPhoto credit: Martin Gommel on Visualhunt

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