
High Blood Pressure Effect on Eyes (HBP, Hypertension) Causes, Symptom

Posted on the 25 June 2019 by Healthywikihow @healthywikihow

High blood pressure effect on eyes

High blood pressure effect on eyes

High blood pressure effect on eyes: High blood pressure can cause damage to the blood vessels in the retina. The retina is the layer of tissue in the back of the eye. It transforms the light and the images that enter the eye into nerve signals that are sent to the brain.

High blood pressure effect on Eyes Causes

The higher the blood pressure and the longer it has been elevated, the more likely it is that the damage is serious.
You have a higher risk of damage and loss of vision when you also have diabetes, high cholesterol levels or smoke.
In rare cases, very high blood pressure develops suddenly. However, when it happens, it can causes serious changes in the eye.
Likewise, other problems with the retina are more likely to occur, such as:
  • Damage to the nerves of the eye  due to poor circulation
  • Blockage of the arteries that supply blood to the retina
  • Blocking the veins that carry the blood that comes out of the retina.

High blood pressure effect on Eyes Symptom

Most people with hypertensive retinopathy have no symptoms until the disease is advanced.
Symptoms may include:
  • Double vision, weak vision or loss of vision
  • Headaches
Sudden symptoms are a medical emergency. This often means that blood pressure is very high.

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