Debate Magazine

Hey, There Are Four Different People Writing Here!

Posted on the 17 September 2011 by Mikeb302000
Hey, there are four different people writing here!
I just deleted a very bizarre comment to one of Dog Gone's posts where the writer missed the fact that Dog Gone is FEMALE!
Her avatar (pictured here) should clue you in on that one.
While I use the name of a female dog, I am not female. The name comes from a few inside jokes--the primary one being that my dog is smarter than your honor student.
Dog Gone and Laci the Dog are two different people in two different places.
JadeGold and Laci can sound quite a bit alike and be as curmudgeonly, but they are also two different people.
And so is MikeB.
We are four different people in four different places.
Anyway, the comment was too bizarre to be printable. I do have to admit wanting to tell the person that was an idiotic thing to have said and that he showed himself up for being ignorant.

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