Don’t forget the part where he banged another guys wife…

Via Dustin Johnson is serving a six-month suspension from the PGA Tour after testing positive for cocaine, a source has told According to the source, Johnson has failed three drug tests: one for marijuana in 2009 and two for cocaine, in 2012 and 2014. He was previously suspended for the 2012 failed test, but that suspension was never made public. Under the PGA Tour’s drug-testing policies, the Tour is not required to announce any disciplinary actions against players who test positive for recreational drugs. Johnson’s conduct has long been a topic of conversation among close observers of the Tour. He is often seen in bars near his home in Jupiter, Fla., and is also known to have had a sexual indiscretion with at least one wife of a PGA Tour player.
Look I’m not a big golf guy. I’d like to play, but don’t. Find it interesting, but don’t watch. And frankly am pissed off no one turned me onto it, because apparently if you drink, do drugs and bang whoever you want, you basically are a success. Tiger first, now Dustin Johnson? Is it too late to pick up a new career?

Johnson is also currently banging Paulina Gretzky who may be one of the hottest chicks in the game. Partying, drugs, alcohol and hot women, hmmm, sounds a lot like Tiger Woods if you ask me. Golf, man, I need it in my life yesterday.