Politics Magazine


Posted on the 08 May 2013 by Jobsanger
Hero The person in the picture above is Charles Ramsey. This Cleveland restaurant worker saved three kidnapping victims by responding to calls for help, and kicking in a door to free one of them -- then calling 911 (which resulted in the freeing of the other two). It just goes to show that heroes come in all sizes, shapes, and colors -- and all it takes is a bit of courage and a desire to help others.
Mr. Ramsey didn't think of himself as a hero, but just a man. And he credited his parents for raising him to do the right thing. I think that just added to the public's instant liking of Mr. Ramsey. We like for our heroes to be a bit humble.
Ramsey said he was just eating his "McDonalds" when he heard the cry for help and responded. If the McDonald's restaurant people have a brain in their heads, then Mr. Ramsey will be the star of their next ad campaign.

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