Bachmann has also said that: “If you go to the essence of what Occupy Wall Street stands for, it’s having other people pay for their stuff.” Wrong again. The OWS movement is about holding the 1% accountable for the state of our economic crisis and doing more for the interests of the public than the private. Bachmann wouldn’t understand this though. After all, she’s the one sticking her grubby palm out for some extra play dough. Would you like an example? Here’s a random fact, taken from the Washington Post: $417,000 loan was taken out from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for a luxury home for Bachmann. All while she was busy fighting the big bad mortgage man. I smell a hypocrite hiding behind that horrible hair and clown makeup. So now she is not only a Republican, but a Socialist. How can you talk about having moral values and a family life when you won’t even help the families that are the 99%? Shame on you again, Bachmann! You should go dust off your own charcoal remnants before you go showering it on others.