Would you like to know about a completely free, biblically reliable resource that could help you and those you know to greatly grow in the Word of God? If so, keep reading! You’re gonna like this!
A few years ago we built preaching.lancasterbaptist.org and launched it, and it keeps getting better! Our media team works diligently to archive in multiple formats all of Pastor Chappell’s preaching, as well as special guest speakers such as this week’s revival meeting from Dr. John Goetsch.
Each sermon, shortly after it is preached, is placed in it’s own series and archived by date. Video and audio files are posted and downloadable to any device. And all of the material is also subscribe-able via iTunes podcasts and RSS feed. Imagine having all the messages of Lancaster Baptist Church automatically streamed to whatever your favorite viewing or listening device may be!
Also, every sermon is tagged and searchable by text, topic, title, keywords, etc. For instance, when you visit the site and enter a search for “Ephesians” you will discover more than 45 sermons—audio and video—from that single book of the Bible! Searching for the word “love” provides 36 sermons. You can imagine what a fantastic resource this could be if you are studying a particular text and topic.
Why blog about this? Because it’s a HUGE resource that we have actually said very little about. There are years and years worth of sermons and preaching series from Paul Chappell available at your finger tips—and ALL of them shareable, tweet-able, and useful in a myriad of ways!
So get to it. It’s free. It’s for you. And it’s about the power of the Word of God. Think of all the people you know, those who need Christ, or those who need encouragement, who may be helped because you shared or tweeted a link!
We are trying to hand you a very BIG bag of seed. What will you do with it? We pray that you will grab it and start planting! God’s Word NEVER returns void!
Happy harvest!