Here Is How Truly Honest Logos Would Look Like
0Whether you like it or not, the big companies and corporations are doing everything possible to get hold of your mind, replacing ”the ugly truth” about themselves with something else. Year after year, a team of professional designers and marketers are doing everything possible to increase the demand for products, by coming up with more catchy slogans and eye-catching logos.
That is why, designer Viktor Hertz and his colleague Cliff Dickens decided to play around with some of the most famous logos in the world. In a brilliantly funny way, these designers, managed to show how would it look like if logos would actually speak the truth.
“An idea for a series with honest logos, revealing the actual content of the company, what they really should be called. Some are cheap, some might be a bit funny, some will maybe be brilliant. I don’t know. ” Viktor Hertz