A few days ago, I used some of my new henna to dye my hair. I am always a little nervous before trying a new hair dye product, obviously because if it doesn't look good, I'm stuck with it! This henna, I had received from India a little bit after Christmas. I was nervous that maybe it went stale during shipment, but it was just fine.
I mixed it with lemon juice, warm water, and some indigo to darken it, and let it sit for 3 hours to let the dye release. I didn't know how much indigo to add, because the pouch said it had added alma to darken the hair, so I added about 20% indigo.
Then I worked it into my hair and let it sit overnight, after I wrapped my head with Saran wrap. Hahaha I looked like a cone head or something with the Saran wrap. I wasn't thinking, and forgot to put on plastic gloves before working it in. I reallllly need to use gloves next time, because my hands were orange for 3 days. Hahahah
Then I rinsed it out in the shower. It took forever, but I was expecting that.
The color was very lovely, but next time I think I will add a bit more indigo, because it was a tad bit too red for my liking. It has now started settling and it is a lot less red, thank you Lord. It is a nice warm chocolate brown, with nice red hi lights in the sunshine.
I really like henna-ing my hair, but it gets so dried out! I need to use coconut oil first next time I think!
Do you henna your hair? I'd love to hear about it!