The pet experts at Ask.Vet have shared some great tips to help keep your pets safe this 4th of July holiday. What is wonderful about Ask.Vet is that you can actually text licensed vets for quick advice. This is especially helpful over the holiday since the 4th is among the most dangerous holidays for pets.

One of the most frightening parts of the holiday is the fireworks for our pets. Even though we have a nice fenced area, we always bring our pets in the evening around the time for fireworks just so they feel safer. Take a moment to check your fenced area for any ways your dogs may be able to get out. It's probably the noise of the fireworks that scares our pets, and this is likely the reason this is the most popular holiday times that pets get out of the yard.
If you know that your pet has high anxiety, it's okay to ask for sedation from your vet. You can also ask for anxiety reducing meds like Trazodone, Alprazolam, and Sileo.
If you're taking your pet camping, make sure they've got their flea and tick preventative meds. Topical meds don't require an office visit, so don't be lazy: pick it up before your trip.
While 85 degree temperatures might be fine for you, but it's too hot for your pet. Keep cool water around, and steer clear of hot pavement. If it burns your hand when you touch it, it's too hot to walk your pet!
Make no bones about it: your pet will eat discarded BBQ bones, corn cobs, and anything else you leave lying around. Clean up your trash to reduce the risk of human foods getting stuck in your pet's GI tract and causing pancreatitis.
Learn More About These Pet Tips
For clarity on these tips, and to ask any other questions about summer safety for your pet, text VET to 67076. The first question is free, and one of Ask.Vet's licensed veterinarians will text you back with customized advice within minutes. Or, you can visit the Ask.Vet website Ask.Vet website for more details.
Wherever your travels take you over the 4th of July holiday we hope you have a safe and memorable trip!