I know it's still summer and the last thing anyone wants to talk about is back to school but helping out schools is very important to me. I'm an avid supporter of collecting for my kids schools, whether its books, supplies, food, monetary donations, I help with it all. My favorite way to help my kids' school is through collecting Box Tops for Education and this year, my goal is to collect two times as many Box Tops this year!

Box Tops are available on many products you already buy. Most items have one or two Box Tops on them but right now, specially marked packages of Hefty Trash Bags offer 4 Box Tops. Hefty is the only trash bag that supports Box Tops for Education.

The Hefty brand has raised more than $3 million in contributions to schools by partnering with Box Tops for Education!

This year, along with hopefully becoming a coordinator, I am planning on creating a collection box per grade. These collection boxes are super easy to make and each one will get the collection process started with Box Tops. You only need a few supplies to make the collection boxes.
1 box Hefty trash bags (with the 4 box tops)glue gun or tapewrapping paperribbonscissors

First step is to cut out the box tops and set them aside.

Take out the trash bags (you can keep these or also donate them to your child's teacher) and tape the box shut.

Cut a slit on the side of the box. Make it big so you can cut through again once you wrap the box.

Wrap the box. I am wrapping my boxes in blue and white polka-dot paper so they are fun and whimsical.

Cut the slit in the box again.

Next, measure the ribbon. I cut my ribbon a little bit longer than the slit so I can create a border.

Cut two long ribbons and two short ribbons for the shorter sides.

Attach the ribbon with hot glue so it doesn't unravel. Once I attach the ribbon, the slit becomes only big enough to slip the Box Tops in.

I love this DIY project. It is so customizable. You can add as many embellishments as you want. As you can see, I added more ribbon and a little sign! I can't wait to see these all over the school!

I'm stocking up on Hefty to make lots of collection boxes and earn Box Tops for my school this year! Tell me: How do you help out at your child's school?