A cause close to my heart, why? Because… I suffer from it.
I was diagnosed in November 2012 with Lupus- shock? No, not really.
After many, many years of ‘not knowing’, it was good to finally know.

Does it suck? Yes, it truly does.
Does it make me sick? Yes, in many, many ways.
Can it cause death? Yes, Lupus is incurable but treatable.
This isn’t a post about me but it’s about World Lupus Awareness Day on May 10th..
If you don’t know what it is, check out this whatislupus?
What is it? Is it contagious? No, it isn’t. Read more below and or click the pdf file above to find out.
”LUPUS is neither infectious nor contagious, and is triggered by a number of factors including
viral infection, sunlight, trauma or strong medication. However, the principal trigger is
hormonal activity and change, resulting in 9 patients out of 10 being female, usually between
the ages of 15 and 55. It is also possible that a weak genetic predisposition may contribute.”

What can you do?
Well, you can help by spreading the word via blogs, twitter and instagram. Very few people in Kuwait know what Lupus is and finding a Lupus Specialist in Kuwait is proving difficult.
I spoke to one Kuwaiti with Lupus. Here is what she had to say?
How long have you had Lupus?
‘I was diagnosed in 2008, after many tests here, I eventually went to Germany and I was diagnosed there after a long time’.
Where do you get your treatment?
‘I tried to find a good doctor in Kuwait but I didn’t find any Lupus specialist doctor or somebody know what it is, I go to Dubai now for my medication.’
How does Lupus affect you?
‘It makes me very sore and very tired but my medication does help with my symptoms.’
You see, very few people here know what it is exactly and we really shouldn’t have to travel elsewhere to receive medication.
Spread the word and get Lupus out there.
Go Purple on May 10th